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<br />:_~- <br />j/- <br />, ~." .'~ on ..... . ,",. _.. ~, "." ._ ,.., <br />. ~jff= ~f :~~<lmnJ~""J.l1 HOG\;:l.ll" <br />April 9.0 1962 <br /> <br />The meeting ue:> called to ordal' by l-layor Pshbach at 8:00 p.m.. <br /> <br />Prosen"!a l'JayoZ' Ashbaoh" T:r11J;ltees Ken!l:9diri Crepeau" Oltn~.m3 Clerk LorraiM St.1?'7<nCj1)l.s'G. <br />Absent: NCtM <br />J\J.8 0 P rose!l'~ t tVIII. BeiUstol:' ~ Banister Engineoring Cmnpany <br /> <br />The minutes of the regula? meeting of 11a;:>ch 2f!. 1962 1feli'a ay'prvvGd as emendedo <br /> <br />SFECIJ\L USE PEFJ'iIT REQUEST <br />111'. fiarola ECb..-trom. mp:rcsent:lng the Ko:aallGalty CompllD:i1'" :requested a 8]:001111 use permit <br />fo? 1680 Oar, Aveuu.l. I'h-. Eclst:rCillJ Wormed the council that lon;! slol'UctUX(l ia built more <br />like a publio bullding that a home and is located in the center of 7~1/4 ac~'es. Tm <br />.. The trire of the proopectivo b1wel? is a registered nurse and proposes '1;0 usa pari; of tl1.; <br />hous>3 as a dwelling md part to be used as a oonvaloocent hClll!l 1I'1th a rnaxi!n1.lill of th.rae <br />pat ients 0 There would be no s'tl't1ctural chanGe in too building. V-ayor Buggestod tha'" <br />row. Edst~ get l'lI'ittan statements of approval irll'iIl tho immediate naig';bom of the place. <br />RefeX'l."Sd to too Planning and Zoning Clll!!lII1tteia for ractmlsnds.l;ion. <br /> <br />TRiJSTEE OLKEi.PS mom: <br />REVISED itl>l:iOLU'eJON ... NOR'i"~ STATES I'Ol'JER Ctllt,pANY <br /> BaniSter il'li'OJ:'ilfed the CD1.lJlc:l.l th!:it tIle reVised resolution for the cutting into <br />improved v.ll1age s'cZ'eeto by too N .S..P. Co. haB not been CllIl1plllted. <br /> <br />(n:STRUC'l'IOIJ C1WlGE .; !lIOffiol.AY lf39h <br />~layor Jl,shbaoll 1nf'orll1ed the cOUDOll of a request from the 11i1m. State H;iglruay Dapartment <br />to change the propO<led lotlD,Uon 01' :in intorsecUon on State Higml8y #3940 lIa.f.'GZTad -1;0 <br />TrOOt30 01men to chee~ lrl:~h the VillngG Eng:ineer. <br /> <br />IJF..AJlIAGE PROELEl.1 a SKD:.m LArIn ./lND ruu~E A1J'1.!NUE <br />llfr. Olmsn :!.ni"tm1lea tha Council tht<.t a contract haC! beGD clromm 1lp batv."Gen Chester Picho <br />and the Village 'GO iml'~oU a culvert un&ll" Hsmlina AVlmUll to ellm1natG the dra:!n~ga <br />problem at H~ Wid Slttles Lllll0. Hben the cmtractor sts:FGsd to excavl!lte~ hs discovered <br />that a culvort Ulla aJ.reacl;r in plSCfl rmd onlJr needed uooovor1ngjl ul11ch eolved the problErnl. <br /> <br />V/lLE1ITD1E AVmlUE D 'I'RI\FFIC F!101lLffi\1 <br />Mr. Ollnen ini-o?inaa tho CouncJl that the !l3sidenta Qll Valentine A1T!lnue l'roro conlplailling <br />about the school busses USUlg 'this street lIS a short ou-l;, haCSUBI3 of tho difficulty of <br />mtllttng a left tUftl floom CountY' Rood F onto HiI",m,aY' 1fJD. ':fhe IlUggestion ~ms rnada 'M:at <br />stEip s!gm be placec1 on Valentine Avenue to cliBcOU1"age through traffic. HI'. Olwm <br />l'aquElsMd tEl check 11' this fgould b19 ~.grseable Eitb the residents. <br /> <br />TRUS'!'EE lm'mEW S RF.POR'J.' <br />ROAD 'l'lASHOUT ... LllI<E ~A BLVD. <br />iTustee KelllWC\V reported -tliat a ~ foot hule an the edge 01' tIE P!l\TelIlEll1t lWGli' 3lloo Lske <br />Johanna Blvd. has caused a feu iidsbaps. Mr. Banister stat,\\! 'that flares would bo plooed <br />at tbis location 1r1inedillte~ and remain in place Mtll t~ .. contractor could milks <br />the necesamoy 1'GJIairs" <br /> <br />19lO GRANT ROAD '" NUISANCE COl.JPLllIN-r <br />~li3 nUismu:o compla:'l..nt or an ,*,,;t'UoWi.!lfl cl.rainfield at the above eddreas tn\llled bY' Edwo <br />Galle has been dropped. Mr. Galle has sold the properv. A psl'lrd.t was t.n out by <br />Capitol Q1ty Se~!er Co. to!:' connection with the sanit~ sewer system. <br />TRT.5'l'EE CREPEA1J1S REPORl <br />2026 THaN J:RIm - NUISANCE C(i~PLAIN1' <br />~teEl Criipeau :tnfome4 thi! Counc:U that bEl had taken pictUl.'es of the junl..-ed C8l'l:1 at <br />~- above add:feSI!I IlS requested b.r Village Attorney, Vincent C01.l:!"SWyo <br /> <br />}iAR als nm <br />i?tutee Crvpsau 1ntomsd too CoUllC:U .that Mar Dae's Inn had been epprovcd by the Polioop <br />Fire end Health Departments, fw the transfer of the on and off sale malt 11qno1' :tlcansa <br />fzoam Edw. Ilo1mnbs1-g to Mrs. E1ean01' LeTo'lD.'lWsu. <br /> <br />Police O1'ficer KeDnoth 18 Roell: ~ requosted to obtain the f'o:rmer l1Cl3l!aes issued to <br />]'1r. Ro1tenbergo <br /> <br />CIVIL lEF.E}ISE mRECl'OR APPOII'I'lllmT .. <br />Yf.ot1llD maCle by Trustee KenJled.V', seconded by T;ustee 01lnen, that f'4'4 Pat Se~tonll 3200 <br />North l'tmnH.... Avenoo, ba oppomted Civil 1)l.i'l3nsCl D:l.reet01", motion oarried. Clerk <br />Lorra:lne Stloamquiat <TaB requested to !nf0i'lll ths proper authoritieso <br />