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<br /> Minutes of the Arden Hills Regular Council Meeting, 2-10-92 <br /> Page 13 <br /> KEITHSON (Cont'd) Malone moved, seconded by Growe, that Attorney Filla be <br /> . authorized to offer a stipulation when negotiating with <br /> for a pennanent drainage easement for Keithson pond area, that the property owner <br /> be allowed to recnnfigure or relocate the existing poneling area located on his <br /> property southwest of the Keithson area, when future development cx:::curs, provided <br /> that the pond retains the same storage capacity as the design outlined in the <br /> area storm drainage plans. Motion carried unanimously. (4-0) <br /> Engineer Maurer suggested formal execution of the bid contract be held, pending <br /> further modifications to the plans. <br /> RES. #92-15; Council was referred to the Park Director's memorandum <br /> 1992 PARK/TRAIL dated 2-6-92, relating to the proposed 1992 Park and <br /> IMPROVEMENTS Trail Irrprovements. <br /> Park Director Buckley advised the Parks Connnittee reconunendations as outlined in <br /> his memorandum. He suggested engineering studies be completed for the trail <br /> paving project and field improvement projects at Perry and valentine Parks. <br /> Buckley reported on meetings with area residents to discuss the proposed <br /> improvements; five residents appeared to discuss the improvements. He indicated <br /> another meeting is proposed with the residents after the trail is staked for <br /> viewing. <br /> Council1nernber Malone questioned the necessity of a feasibility study, since this <br /> is a park improvement; usually the study is required when the improvement is <br /> . proposed f= assessment to residents. <br /> Buckley explained it is his understanding the feasibility study is requested to <br /> determine costs prior to advertisement f= bids. <br /> Engineer Maurer advised the feasibility study is the first step in the process <br /> for estimating the ecnnornic feasibility of a project; if Council is comfortable <br /> with the costs presented and the expenditure, it my be appropriate to eliminate <br /> this step and move to the preparation of plans ;;md specifications. <br /> Malone questioned if the Park Director contacted the engineer to inquire if the <br /> feasibility study was necessary for this project. <br /> Maurer explained the feasibility study was not discussed, only the proposed park <br /> improvements . <br /> Malone recalled this same discussion regarding the necessity of a feasibility <br /> study for the 1991 park improvements. <br /> 'Ihe Park Director stated he stands co=ected. <br /> Malone moved, seconded by Hicks, to authorize the <br /> engineer to prepare plans and specifications for the 1992 Park and Trail <br /> Irrprovements. Motion carried unanimously. (4-0) <br /> . Acting Mayor Mahowald suggested the Park Director hold another meeting with <br /> residents upon completion of the plans and specifications for this project. He <br /> questioned if the plans include screening along the pathway. <br />