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<br /> ... <br /> MINUI'ES OF THE ARDEN HILlS REJ:;OIAR all.lNCIL MEETING ..,.., '.\- <br /> ~Y, ~Y 13, 1992, 7:30 P.M. - CITY HALL <br /> CALL 'IO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, Mayor Sather <br /> . called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. <br /> ROLL CALL 'Ihe roll being called the following members were present: <br /> Mayor Thomas Sather, 80uncilrnernbers Paul Malone, JoArm <br /> Growe, 'Ihomas Mahowald and Dale Hicks. Also present: Attorney Jerry Filla, <br /> Engineer Mark Graham, Park Director John Buckley, A=untant T.J. SWanson, Clerk <br /> Administrator Gary Berger and Deputy Clerk Catherine Iago. <br /> ADOPr REVISED eouncilrnernber Malone suggested reversal of Items 5 (B) <br /> AGENDA 5(C), under the Unfinished and New Business section. <br /> Malone moved, seconded by Hicks, to adopt the January 13 <br /> Agenda as revised, adding Item 5 (E), and reversing Items 5 (B) and 5 (C), under the <br /> Unfinished and New Business section. Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> ADOPr CDNSENI' Malone moved, seconded by Hicks, to approve the Consent <br /> CALENDAR Calendar and authorize execution of all necessary <br /> doctnnel1ts =ntained therein, and noting that Item 3 (a), <br /> Memorandum from the Park Director, is received for infonnation only and shall be <br /> discussed with the Park Director at a later date: <br /> a. Receive January 10, 1992 Memorandtnn from the Park Director on Program Funds. <br /> b. Authorize Execution of Ac:kno.vledgment of Consent for Edgewater Estates. <br /> c. Approve List of Clainls and Payroll. <br /> . Motion carried unani.:rrousl y. (5-0) <br /> PUBLIC ~ <br /> MEDIAN CIDSlliG; Jean Lemberg, 1401 Skiles Lane, presented a letter <br /> SNELLING AVENUE requesting Council schedule a specific date for an <br /> SCHEDULE MEETING infonnal meeting to discuss the Snelling Avenuej1i:unk <br /> Highway 51 median closing. <br /> Mayor Sather suggested the ll'atter be discussed at either the March or April <br /> Worksession. <br /> Council ==ed to direct staff to Jl'ake note to Council to schedule a <br /> Worksession meeting on March 23, at 4:30 p.m., to discuss the median closing. <br /> staff was further directed to =ntact MNjOOf representatives to be present to <br /> address any questions from residents and to advertise the meeting in the New <br /> Brighton Bulletin and on the Cable 'IV Channel. <br /> CHl\RITABLE Nancy Brunzel, Vice-President of st. Paul Turner's, <br /> GAMBLING DONATIONS; ll'ade a presentation of two charitable gambling donations <br /> NWYSB & RAMSEY OJ. to the Northwest Youth and Family Services and the <br /> Ramsey County Safety Patrol, each check in the amount <br /> of $15,000.00. Representatives from the Northwest Youth Services Bureau, Kay <br /> Andrews and Jeanne Thorrpson"and the Ramsey County Safety Patrol, Ed Weinhagen <br /> and Mel Fish, were present to accept the donation. <br /> . <br />