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<br />r.. - ~ I ,-- <br /> . ., <br /> - <br />. Minutes of RSEulSr Meetinf. <br /> Coancil of the Villnge of Arden Hills <br /> November 27, 19o~ <br /> The meeting was Called to order oy n~yor Ashbach at 8:00 p,mo <br /> ROLL CA LL: rreeen'~ = Mayo!' Ashbach9 nlr, Olmeno Mrs. StrOltr"uist. <br /> ~~, Kernedy. ~~, Crepeau <br /> Absent = None <br /> Also Present - MI'. Courtney ~ Villare Attorney, . <br /> Mr. RO/"Eit 81~OI"G = Bqnister Engineering Co. <br /> . . <br /> The minutes of the special meeting of November 6, 1961, and the <br /> re~lar council meeting Of November 13, 1901, were approved ",8 );Iresentad, <br /> SA~ ITARY SE'.',.;;R TI.!l'ROVE:':h'NT #5 = f-IDS <br /> Dids for the above improve;:;ont were opened by Mayor Ashbach and tabulated <br /> by Horer Short, as attached, ROfer Short recommended the bid be awarded <br /> to the lowest bideer, Peter La :f.etti foZ' $7....24,00. P.~. courtney stated <br /> the necessity of obtaining easements ililmedia tely. request ing legal des.= <br />. criptions - referred to Ro~er Short, <br /> Roger Short informed the council the plans for the ~proveilient had been <br /> approved by the Villsee of Rosevilleo Motion by Mr, Crepeau, seconded <br /> by Mr, Kennedy. that Petel' La ;'lett1 be awarded the sewer contract for <br /> Improvement #5, subject to APproval of the city of St. Paul and the <br /> Engineer. - carriedo . <br /> SAl:ITARY SE'.'IER ::':PROV.E!!!BNT #5 - PUDLIC. HLARING <br /> John Rysgaard and Oscar Husby, property owners involved,wel's present. <br /> Mr. Stepnitz, the third property owner, did not appear, but the council <br /> WaS informed by MF, Husby that Mr. Stepnitz WaS 10 favor of the 1mpl'ove~ <br /> ment. There Was no opposition to the illipl'ovemant; the property owners <br /> preferred immediate action. <br /> . <br /> Motion by Mr, Kennedy. seconded by N.r. Olmen. thet~ovement be <br /> started .... ftaprl'llQo/l/.l. ~ ~ ~_. , <br /> SEViER CO:1ECTION COMPLAlr~ <br /> Mrs. Leon Sabine, 3404 Siems CoUrt, informed the council that the stub <br /> from the sewer pipe 1n the street is not lcw enough to prOVide a conn~ <br /> ection from the Sgbine home. <br />. Motion b~- Mr, C~.epeau, seconded by Mr. Kennedy, that tne street pipe be <br /> lowered = referred to Roger Short to negotiate with a contractor for B <br /> price e CB1'r ied. <br />