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<br /> . . ~. <br />. . <br /> . RE1HJI.tJ.R COUNCIL MEETING MINlTES ~ NOVE,lEER 27, 1901 - PAGE :3 <br /> , <br /> SE,:LR ASf'ESSMENT COMPIAlllT <br />. Mrs. Stromquist read a letter, dated November 10, 1901. from Dr. John <br /> Farkas, 3309 No~th Snelling Aveoue, statlng that the sewer assessment <br /> against his property is eX~Assive. The oounci1 requested the letter <br /> be filed Qnd Dr. Farkas be notified of e futtu'e m~eting. <br /> Me GUIRE'S LI'-.UOR. DlC. ~ S1:,'v.'lJ:R BILLING <br /> Motion tly Mr. Kennedy, seconded by Mr. Cl'epeau.. that the sewer charge <br /> as presented by Mrs. StromGulst ~ said charge to be $329080 annually ~ <br /> be approved ~ carried. <br /> 2033 WEST COU1;TY ROAD D = 10U~.E DAMAGE, <br /> - .--- <br /> Mrs. Stromquist read a letter.. dated llovemher 17. 1901. from I-;over <br /> Short ooncerning damafe to the above property, owned by Mrs. Charlctte <br /> Pratt. Mrs. Pratt cla ill.s the plaster Walls of her hOIr.e were d~r...a€ed <br /> due to sewer conet~uctlon. S9Id letter informed the council ~hat Pan- <br /> ister EngineerIng Co. is attemr tine to settle tais claulI with Petln' <br /> la r,:ettI and Mr. Purcell, Royal Glo:,e Insurance Co. - letter on file 0 <br /> ACCES~ ROAD = TONY SCmUD'l' PARK <br /> Mrs 0 Stl'omqt;1st; reed a letter, de ted November 17 ~ 1961, from Dean Anklin, <br /> Ramsey County Engineer, grantinf. permission for t..e use of exis'~ing roads <br /> in said park for the purpo~e of access to the lift station, north of the <br />. Soo line tracks, subject to repair of any damage by the villars. <br /> LICh'NSE RE'l.tJEST c CARtAGE. Rtr' ISH fiAULIrlG <br /> Motion by Llr. Crej:eau, seconded by Mr. L<ennedy, th<.;t above n.entioned <br /> lioense be granted to J & W Pick-Up S~rivce - carriedo <br /> LICENSE F.ENEv.'AL c LINDEY'S Pf.IrJ',J,; STEAK HOUSE <br /> Motion by Mr. Kennedy. sec01ded by Mr. Crepeau. that all preViouSl~~ <br /> held licenses for nosy's Prime Steak Houns be approved for 1902. <br /> with the Off s~2;rticense subjec~ to approval by the Building Inspecto , <br /> Fire and 1'olice llEIpartmenta = carried. . <br /> ELECTION ,'CARD APPROVAL <br /> Motion by Mr. C:epeau, seconded by ~.r. Kennedy, that the following <br /> persons serve on the Election Board: <br /> Precinct #.1 - Blanohe Borchert, Clerk <br /> Grace Sparks <br /> Ire ne Fleming <br /> Lucretia 1e.nge <br /> Precinot #2.. Viola Dahlstrom, Clerk <br /> Virginia Swanson <br />. Jean Swanson <br /> Donna Andrews <br /> for the Villere Election, Tuesday, December 5. 1901. and authoriZing <br /> pay of $ 1.25 pel' hou~ ~ Carried. <br />