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<br /> r^ -~'- ... <br /> MINlTES OF' REGUL^,R llF.ETP1G <br /> COUNCIL 011 VILL:\C,l\ OF J\RlJEN HILIS <br /> . Novembac 13. 1961 <br /> The meeting was called to O1'der by Mayor Ashbach at 8:00 p.m. <br /> ROLL CALL: Present - Mayor Ashbach~ llr. KennedYimt~. Crepeau <br /> Absent ~Lorvaine Stromquist. Mr. 0 en <br /> Also Present - Roger Short, Banister Engineering Co. <br /> Motion by Mr. Kennedy, seoonded by Mr. Crepeau. that the minutes of the <br /> October 30g 1961 meeting be approved as amended. Carried. <br /> Mayor Ashbaoh asked, at the request of Roger Short. thst any business <br /> ooncerning the \111age Engineer be presented at this time. <br /> vmw AVBNUE _ A resident on View Ave. oomplained of the condition of the <br /> street. fieferred to r~. Olmen. <br /> NORTH SUBURBAN SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT ~ Uayor Ashbach read 8 letter from <br /> the above mentioned. dated November 6, 1961. requesting representation from <br /> Arden Hills at a meeting to be held at the Coon napids City Hall at 8300 <br /> p.m., Wednesday, November 22, 19Q1. to aid in detenning whether the Village <br /> of Arden Hills would benefit by, joining. <br /> Roger Short recommended we be present at this meeting and volunteered to <br /> attend with the repesentat1ve. counoil agreed. <br /> /. JAMES UNO .. SEWER CONNECTION - James lang, ~240 New Brighton Road. com- <br /> plained that the ~lOO.OO allowed on his sewer assessment was not suffioient <br /> to cover the oost of hooking up. Roger 5'101't reported tha t Don Lund had <br /> met with Mr. lang and it was his opinion '~P.B.t the deduction was agreeable. <br /> Referred to Roger Short and Don Lund. <br /> At this time, Rog!3r Snort was excused from the meeting. <br /> MR. CREPEAU'S REPCftT - No report. <br /> MR. KENNEDY'S REPORT - CIVIL DEFENSE ORDINANCE .. Motion by Mr. Kennedy. <br /> seconded by Mr. crepeau.. that trie CiV~ Derense Ordinanoe,as approved by <br /> M. A. Fish, Civil Defense D1rector, be approved. carried. (Referr~d to <br /> Mr. Courtney for typing correotions) , <br /> 2026 THOM DRIVE!" NtJISANCE,.. Mr. Kennedy reported a oomplaint from a <br /> resident concarnlng the aDove property, owned by oscar Tnompson. that a <br /> junked oar yard was being established on this site. Referred to Mr. <br /> Courtney to abate nuisancG. <br /> 2047 THOM DRIVE _ Mr. Kennedy read a letter, dated November 99 19620 from <br /> Mr~ Courtney cO:Joerning the above property. Mr. Thom offered for sale the <br /> said property to the Village or to anyone'the Village directs for the sum <br /> of $500.00. Referred to Mr. Courtney to prooeed on the nuisanoe charge. <br /> . , <br /> CLERK'S REPORT (presented by Florence Honan in the absence of Mrs.Stromquis1 <br /> NOR'rHERN STATES POWER CO. AGREl:!:MmlT - STRhW LIGHl'ING - Mrs. HonaD read a <br /> "lettel' dated November7" 1961 oonoerning the 5 yeal' agl'eemsnt with the <br /> N. s. P. Co. for overhead street lighting. Said agreement expires May 31. <br /> 1962. 'but will, ccntinue' for another 6 year period unless notice to <br /> terminate the agreement is received by thsm at least 30 days prior to the <br /> elJtpira t10n de te 0 Referred to Mr. courtney. <br />