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<br /> , <br /> -, -- . <br /> ". .....-~ .. -,. 1 " L' <br /> ....-- <br /> L. ' . ........~- ,~ <br /> . Ii7INUTES OF REGUIAR MEEUNG <br /> COUNCIL OF VILIAGE OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> October SO, 1961 <br /> Mayor Ashbach oalled the meeting to order at 6iOO p.m. <br /> ROLL CALLI Present.. Mayor Asl1baoh. 1'Jr. Kenned7. Mr. crepeau. <br /> M1!. OlmGn Elnd Mrs. Stromquist <br /> Absent '" Nona <br /> Also Present", Mr. Vincent Courtne~ Village Attorney' <br /> Dr. Edw. Walsh, Village al th Office!' <br /> Olay Kelley, Building Inspeotor <br /> Rog~r Short and Karl Bursndt. Eanister Engin.Co. <br /> SEWER I'ETITIOn .. CUJmI1illtS :tane - Mr. Jerome Timm. 1400 Cummings lane <br /> presented Q petlt1on, B gaGa Dy all home owners on CUmmings Lans. <br /> requesting sewer for that al'ea. Mr. Kennedy moved, Mr. Olmen seoonded <br /> that the petit1au be Referred to Roger Short, V:Lllage Engineer. to <br /> prepare a FeBflabl111;y nepert to be pl'esElnted at the next Counoil meeting. <br /> Ares1deat at 1366 Gumm1nge Lane inqu1l'ed why that street had to petition <br /> for se1lll'EI1'. MayoP AShbaok replied with a history of the sewer in Arden <br /> H111s) petition was required to avoid arguments of opposition and <br /> . finally 9.ssU1'ed the residents that fsoili ties 8re available to taka oare <br /> of __ the area. <br /> SV.tAMl' DRAINAGE '" a resident at 1366 Cummings Lane stated that the state <br /> H1gnway DepartlnGl'lt had changed the d1l'ection of the flow of the swamp <br /> area off Hamlil1e Ave. so that 1t now ia bordering his propel'ty and is <br /> a problem. Referred to Roger Short. - <br /> CONNELLY AVE. IMPROVE1'.lENT = Mr. Oscal' HUr:lby prese-nted plans for improve= <br /> ment 01' Connel.~y ave. 1;0 be built by Stepnitm. RO~el' Short recoDl!llElndad <br /> a 9 ton road. Motion made by Mr. Kennedy. seoonds by Mr. Olmaop that <br /> the Village would acoept the road if it were improvedaocording to the <br /> plans. Carried pel' attached resolution and plane and specifioat~oDS <br /> OD file.. <br /> SEWER IMPROVEIllr.!:NT ON ABO,,)!: PROPERTY . !III'. Oecal' Husby presented sewer <br /> plan 1'01' the same area before mentioned. Mr. Kennedy moved,' e,eaond!l'd <br /> by Mr. Crepeau that, the plans be referred to Roger Short fO'C a <br /> Feasa.bllity Report. Car~ p~a~eSolution. p~ <br /> specifications 00 file., - ~ """"- ~ <br /> ORTON PROPERTY '" M1'.~~elley requested Counoil approval of plat <br /> pJan 1'01' ortion pl'ope1'ty. The (,;ounoil approved. with qual1fiQStI. ons <br /> ooncerning theplall!ing of thG houses 0 <br /> SEWER DRAINAGE ON GRANT ROAD - M1'. JOhn Galle>> 1910 Grant Rdad. 6dmltto~ <br /> .. h1e septlotank, located in his front yard, was overflowing. ',but t;ltated <br /> that he wasfinanoially unable at this time to oonneot to the sewsr , <br /> eyst8UI. Ka:l;'l Burandt, Ea,nis,t,er Engineering Co. infol':'Dled the Counoil <br /> tha 11 tb8 improved street would be damamged by the seepage. Dr. \,'alsh <br /> Village .d.ealth Officer, reoommended hookup. The Council agt'eed to <br /> delay a nuisance charge, granting &~. Galle until Deo. 10 to oonnect to <br /> the sewer system. <br />