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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />MINUTES OF REGUIAR lIlEETING <br />COUNCIL OF VILIAGE OF ARDEN HILLS <br />Monday. september 11, 1961 <br /> <br />Mayo~ Ashhach oalled the meeting to order at 8300 <br /> <br />ROLL CALL: Pres€l'.lt:- Mayor AShbaoh, Mr. Crepeau, Mr. Olmen. Mr. Kennedy <br />Larraine StromqUist <br /> <br />Absent: - BODe <br /> <br />Also present: Karl Burandt, Roger Short. Banister Engineering <br />M1'. Markham, Markham Exoa va ting Company <br />Hr. Langer, Foreman, Markham Excavating Co <br />Ola'1 Kelley. Build1ng: Inspeotor <br /> <br />Motion made by Ml'. Crepeau, seconded by Mr. Olmen to approva the minutes <br />of the Counoil mse1i1ngs~ of August 3. 1961 and August 28. 1961. Oal'r180. <br /> <br />SPECIAL USE PERMlr - Mrs." David Blain. 1896 Jerrold Ave.. requested a <br />speoial use pe~1t to operate a florist shop 1n the basement of her hom@, <br />at this address. Motion made by Mr. Crepeau, seconded by Mrs. Stromquist <br />to issue this peEmit for one rear. with the possibility of extension of <br />time. Carried. Trustee Kennedy took no part in the discussion and <br />abstained from voting on the matter. <br /> <br />DRAINAGE PROBLEM .. Mt'. Richard Kiene. 1516 Arden Place. Inf01'llled the <br />Council that drainage facilities had been installed through his property <br />but theI'e wers no easement rights on h1~ propl5lrty plan. M1' 0 Burandt has <br />examined this location.. May(ll' Ashbaoh ~e.fe1'.l'ed the problem to Mr. Olman <br />suggesting he confer with Mr. Bhrandt. <br /> <br />KARLl3URANDT REPORT ~ llJl.:NISTER El'lGlNBERING CO 0 Road Improvements #4 and <br />go ~ completlngbaokfill1Dg, ~rbing and driveway repair work. An attempt <br />is being made to ma toh the roads with the driveways wi thin 3 ft.. but 1n <br />soms cases 5 ft. are required. <br /> <br />CHANGE ORDER #1 - STREET DlPROV!!:L1ENTS No. 3 4: and 5 = "Natura of Changl!ll1 <br />Provide all. lab01'. equipment I'ental, and materIals neaessary to l'emove <br />existinf drivewa~ 8urfaoes, provide necessary excavation and backfill <br />with 4 en of stabilized ma-te1'1&l in accoI'danos with WB.SH.D. Specificst= <br />ions 3138 Claas 5, and provide lift bituminous surface in accordanoe with <br />M.S. H.D. Specification 2331. at $0.35 per square foot. Motion mads by <br />Mro Kennedy. seconded by Mr. "Olmen that the above ohange order be <br />acoepted. Carried. <br /> <br />Mr. Burandt Info1'Jlled the council that the cost involved in this change <br />order would p'l'obably be $500.00 for" Improvement #4, more than $500.00 for <br />Improvement #3 Bnd, as yet. not Bny for improvement #5. <br /> <br />SIE!.!S COURT GRADE CHANGE - MoUon made by Mr. Olmen. seconded by Mr.Kennedy <br />tha t the grade cnanges as presented by plans from Mr. Burandt. be accepted. <br />Carried. <br /> <br />GAS LINE AND 'l'EU:PHONE CADIE BREAKAGE - Mr. Burandt requested an opinion <br />I'rom Mr. courtney on bebal.r 01: the Markham Excavating Co. regarding the <br />sbove. Mr. l1Uarkbam haa baen reoeiving bills from the N01'tharn States <br />Power Co.. but olaims he 18 not liable, beoause the pipe lines were !lot <br />buried the requ11'ed depth. A telephone oable was also broken for whioh <br />