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<br /> PUl'"GA 1'lm IUJU 1<.'TlN <br /> Futu re .-" <br />, .... <br /> " <br /> gazing <br />. Malone, Wedell <br /> discuss area <br /> development <br /> possibilities <br /> iRl!:GIONAL ----I <br /> AOOUl four key arC<lS comprise <br /> the renJ<lining pOLential <br /> developmenL siles in Arden Hills <br /> and Shorel'iew. S:lY two of lhose <br /> ciLics' leaders. <br /> At an April 28 discussion illlhe <br /> Shon:view Community Center, <br /> AnJcn Hills City Council Member <br /> Plllll Mnlonc and fanner Shoreview <br /> Maynr Dick Wedc]] discussedth~ <br /> developmenUll history of the area <br /> <lnd prognosticaLed on future <br /> dc\'clopmcrl! prospects. Tho <br /> discussion wns sponsored by Lhc <br /> Ankn Ilills/Shorcvicw League of <br /> Wlllll<.'UYulcP.i. <br /> ACCORDING TO Malone, <br /> Arden Hills hus three key areas <br /> uvailab]c. One, the Lexington <br /> AI'enue llusiness DislricL,ha.~ been <br /> re7.oocd by tlteeiLy from industrial <br /> to I-nex lO promOle more high tech <br /> dcvclopment <lnd coordinale <br /> JandsC;lping conformity. The area is <br /> bctwecn Red Fox aull Grny Fox <br /> rO;lds, ncrossc1he SlreeL from the <br /> ne\VT:lrgctGr L]and. <br /> A second siLe is the city's <br /> Gateway Business DistricL on <br /> Round Lake Road. An office <br /> C:llllpUS is planned for Ihe urca :md <br />. ta;x-inc.rcmcm financing is avniluble <br /> for [Xlrtionsoflhesile. The area, <br /> just _~<Hllhraslll{ llighway !)(\ <lnd Rice Cre",k sn<lk",s across lhe northwest corner of th", Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant close to the <br /> 11ll,~rSlak~ J5W, is plagued by pour northern Shorcview.Arden Hills border, ns viewed here from Ihe ;:Iir. Somedny the Innd mny be dev~loped. <br /> a~~css ~urrCll!ly. M:done he To lhe north is the Universily 01 Minnesota properly in Shoreview. It's currently ;;:oned for commercial. <br /> doesn't c):rcCl the sile 1(1 be fully <br /> dCl'elopell for another fil'c to 10 Former <br /> Shoreview <br /> years. mayor Dick <br /> The third arc:l in Arden Hills is <br /> (he Twin Cilles Anny Ammunition Wedell <br /> addressed a <br /> Plan!. ]\'lalone s:lid thc e~sLcrly League of <br /> l\\'O-lhirds of Ute site isplanncd for WomenVcters <br /> rcsid..-:ntial ;mtl (he weslerly one- April 28 meeting <br /> third is ...oned industrial. But allheShoreview <br /> Maione saill he believes it will be Community <br /> YC;lfS before Llle TCAAP site is Center. The <br /> develojled ifit ls at all. mceting'slopics <br /> dealt Wilh land <br /> ARDEN HILLS population use in Shoreview <br /> currently is nboul 9,000.]n citing <lndn",ighboring <br /> that CilY'S commercia] wealth, Arden Hills. <br /> Wedel] commented that "more (Bullelinphotos <br /> pcuJlle work in Arden Hills Iluring by Brad Stau]!l!r) <br /> lheday lhan slccp there at night." If <br /> lhe TCAAP prOperty is ever <br /> de\'eloped for residential, howevcc, <br /> Arden Hills' populaLion could <br /> nenrlydouble. <br /> According '" Wedell, <br /> Shorevicw is more than 90 percent """,j".,.~:'i..-:V' <br /> developed, with residential '.""1 '~~':"'i'{' :,. f <br /> development in the upper 90 t... ry' ~, ,; <br /> pcrccm.ile. ,;, '1',1;'\ 1 <br /> "The residemial is preny \Veil ;"....:..,.,.:~,t <br /> plnyed out," he said. He said <br /> Sharevicw's population will "'t. , f,/H.~"; ,.., <br /> probably cap at 27,500. Currenlly. <br /> ii's at 24,500. '" <br /> As forcommereilll, he said. <br /> "There is more avaihlble, but the <br /> m;lrkeL is so depressed right now <br /> YOl1WOn'tSCCIlluchnctivity." <br /> The mnjor undc\'clopl!d paree! <br />. is the University of Minnesota <br /> property in the northeast quadrunt <br /> of J.35W and Counly Road 1. TIut <br /> are~ is lOned industrial, nceording <br /> toWede1!. <br /> Olhcr lhan Ih;1I site, he said <br /> other future commercial <br /> devclopmenls would includc the <br /> pl.lIl1lcd eX]1;ln.~i{)n of Deluxe Corp. <br /> an Victorhl, and an urea south of <br /> Lqinglan Avenue and Highway Ardon Hills Cily Oouncll Mombor Poul Molone IOQk 0 look 01 l;and UQO in tho community ho rcprC$OI1 <br /> %. slllnding in the grid work 01 on Arden Hills m..p projection. Malone IVJJS ..Iso Il!tltured tll tho April <br /> forum. <br /> ,- <br />