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<br />. . <br />. Arden Hills Council 7 June 29, 1992 <br /> Mr. podlasek said he has spoken with contractors as to how <br /> best to address the driveway problem and has been told that <br /> in order to create a constant gradual slope from the garage <br /> slab to the road, fill will need to be excavated, He added <br /> that if he was satisfied with the driveway/road connection, <br /> he could simply repair the old bituminous, but now, because <br /> fi 11 needs to be excavated, he will have to remove the old <br /> bituminous, and will install a concrete driveway. Mr. <br /> Podlasek stated that he only expects the City to share costs <br /> for the removal of the fill, not the cost of new concrete or <br /> old bituminous removal, <br /> Mr. podlasek asked if the City authorizes the City Engineer <br /> to destroy private property and then expect residents to <br /> accept that. Mayor sather reminded Mr, podlasek that the <br /> Engineer offered the 40' driveway cut and asked why that was <br /> not acceptable before the project was done, Mr. Podlasek <br /> said that the 40' idea would not address the need for <br /> landscaping the yard alongside the driveway, <br /> Mr. Podlasek said the problem was created by removing fill <br /> from the roadbed which lowered the elevation of the road, <br />. Engineer Graham said he did not believe that significant <br /> fill was removed from the road, <br /> Councilmember Hicks commented that he was troubled that Mr. <br /> Podlasek did not accept the 40' driveway cut idea <br /> originally, as it would have been easier and cheaper to have <br /> done that as part of the project rather than trying to <br /> satisfy Mr. Podlasek now, <br /> Councilmember Hicks asked if Graham could calculate the <br /> amount of fill which needs to be excavated from Mr. <br /> podlasek's driveway to meet the grade that Mr, Podlasek <br /> wants, Graham said he could calculate that amount. Hicks <br /> added that excavation would need to accommodate the base <br /> layer and concrete to be laid on the driveway, which would <br /> amount to about six inches. Mr, podlasek agreed, <br /> MOTION: Hicks moved, seconded by Malone, to direct the City <br /> Engineer to calculate and report to Council the cost to <br /> excavate Mr, podlasek's driveway to 6" below a constant <br /> gradual slope from the garage slab to the driveway <br /> apron, Motion carried unanimously (4-0). <br /> CHARITABLE GAMBLING REGULATIONS <br /> REVIEW/RECOMMENDATIONS <br />. Temporary Accountant Post reported that as directed by <br /> Council on June 15, he reviewed charitable gambling <br /> regulations, talked with the City Attorney, and recommends: <br /> - Mandating 100% compliance with the present 10% net <br />