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<br />.",.,- <br /> , , <br /> if" <br /> '.' <br />. sti 11 maintain minimum lfgreen-sp8cell r-equir-ements. Ther-efor-e, we are <br /> as~dng the City to exercise its option, and accept cash in 1 i eu of <br /> pr-oper-ty. <br /> I I 1. Fair- Market Val Lie. <br /> Par-,,,gr-aph (4) also states the amount of cash should be " eqLlal to the <br /> pel"centage of I and .". , multiplied by the fair mar-ket val Lie of the <br /> prc1per-ty "t the time. e)f final approval of the development <br /> application. " <br /> A. The application for- this development was submitted May 11, <br /> 1992. The Planning Commission is scheduled to act on it June 3, <br /> 1 (7'92 ~ and the City Council on June 8, 1992. Ther-efor-e, this would <br /> def i. nE, the Iltime (fl"ame) of f i. nal approval of the development <br /> ap p 1 i cat i on II . <br /> D. Par-agraph (4) states "The fair- mar-ket value of the proper-ty <br /> shall be deter-mined by r-eference to cur-r-ent appr-aisal data .. . " <br /> . <br /> I have attached a copy o.f a por-tion of C:l:n appr-aisal fr-om Appr-aisal <br /> Resecarc:h Associates, LTD., completed and dated May 20, 1992. This <br /> obviously meet. the lItime (fr-ame) of fi nOlI apPII'""ovalll by the City. <br /> The appr-aisal, OIl thOLlgh secur-ed for- a di.ffer-ent pLlrpose, ShOLll d <br />. accurately define the market val. Lie of the pr-oper-ty. It was <br /> completed by a local, well'-establ i shed f i lI'""m, according to all <br /> appr-opriate Appr-aisal guidelines (such as FIERREA. acc, and <br /> LlSPAP) . As statted in the document cover letter, the appraiser-s <br /> Ifhay(= no personal i ntenest Dr bias with respect to the subject <br /> matter " and on page 1(l~ It.?m 10, "The compensation for- thi s <br /> .. . , <br /> I"eport is NOT contingent Llpon the reporting of a pre determined <br /> val LIe " <br /> .. . . <br /> The appr-aiser-s went on to compar-e this proper-ty to five other- <br /> recent vacant 1 and sales of compar-able size, location, use, etc. <br /> (pages 30 to 41 of attached appraisal). Their- conclL\sion, as <br /> shDwn~ is that the property has a current fair market value of <br /> $420,000. <br /> We are asking the Council to accept this figLlre for Park Dedication <br /> calculations. <br />*IV. Pi"yment Gchedul e. <br /> As with m.ny new business developments, cash-.f 1 ow is of VE.ry high <br /> concern to LIS. We are a new corporation, and have very limited <br /> roeser'YES. Therefore, we are asking for <br /> A) A si>:-month delay in the payment of these funds <br />. B) A monthly payment of $10,000 per month, starting December- 1, <br /> 1992. <br /> Therefore, if the total dedication is $33,600, payments of $10,000 <br /> would be made December 1, 1992, January 1 and Febr-Llary 1, 1993, and a <br /> fin al payment of $3,600 on March 1, 1993. " <br />