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<br />... <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />. .. Minnesota Lawful Gambling <br />'n Premise Permit Application - Part 2 of 2 <br /> <br />.mimJITifw~ia1lh~lm'ljfiffflf'Wijndflfaiilrfti*'I;I~w.BtmNl'it.l.[rU~!r.tfIil1W&1111~i11lli~ilil1ill11i!ttij~g#t#t!1 <br />funk Name Bank A=unt Number, <br />IVijQ /rJJ1fDi'ICIl 2AAl)( J?ty;r!0UF; /I1A/ St"O PC/>l <br />Ban delress C,ty State Z,p ode <br />~t/'-Io JI}, FI1/lti/;kW /h/h. ,,;?()~6MLL;;-, J-l;/l/',.f5//3",... <br />ffit~lli!!lilll!l!~llfl!I~III[_i.~11_1R!~;.i.9pg:nI'IH':I~I.litffiI111f!ilijlf!lillltl1!111!! <br /> <br />'36FFlic.Y I< &GI-fA) .5 bD tll1/iJ B<l4b1! ?T /-r/U t.- ;Ofi~ S/ZJ84/'T <br />6"fll?y JVitl/ll~iV1/ 67,/0 J.(b1//i/A5/iJAI iJlC ~AI.lJt-cy ;::J/'!y/ /dc35;. c <br />~E oAt:. ~ f3p.7Jm~Jl / ;J/cf 6'/l-LY/ /j/ 'Sr /J#tL ~?'Tn?PL'/#4 A/4tfl. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />'(i;;;;iilliig Site Aiii:horlZatlon ,- .1 am the chief executive officer of the organization; <br />I hereby consent that local law enforoement officers, the .1 assume fuli responsibility for the fair and lawfui opera- <br />board or agents of the board, or the commissioner of tion of ali activtties to be conducted; <br />revenue or public safety, or agents of the commissioners, .1 will familiarize myself wtth the laws of Minnesota <br />may enter the premises to enforcelhe law. governing lawful gambling and rules of the board and <br />Bank Records Information agree, if licensed, to abide by those laws and rules, <br />The board is authorized to inspect the bank records of the including amendments to them; <br />gambling account whenever necessary to fulfill .any changes in application information will be submitted <br />requirements of current gambling rules and law. to the board and local untt of government wtthin 10 days <br />. Oath of the change; and <br />I declare that: .1 understand that failure to provide required information <br />.1 have read this application and ali information submitted or providing false or misleading information may result in <br />to the board is true, accurate and complete; the denial or revocation of the license. <br />'allother required information has been fuliy disclosed; <br /> <br />Signal '" ,f Xe utive officer Date <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br /> <br />.. . . '" . 4. A CODV of the local unit of aovernment's resolution a~. , <br />.1. T~e ctty ,mu~t~,gn ~hls.a~licallOn ff the gambling prem- orovina this aoolication must be attached to this aoolicat,on ! <br />lSes ,s located w~h'n.qty}'m'!s;. " .. . '. '; c . ". .' 5. If this application is denied by the iocal untt of gov?rnment,j <br />,. 2.. Th~county:'flf;'ID, t?w,ns.~lp ,must SIQ~ thl~ applic~tlon if" tt should not be submitted to the Gambling Control Board. I <br />' . \ h ' 'bl" '., \'1 '.!~-t d' "h' t 'h" '\" .. , " . ' , , <br />1'-'. t egam 109 premises. s"-"",, e .w" In"a owns 'p",.,_".:;,..~," ., ., -- ,_. -0., ._-',: ' <br />3."Th~ local u~~ goverrimen.t (city or co.untY) .must pa$~ a Township: By signature beiow, the towns~ip ackno~le?g?s : <br />resolut,on spec,flcally appr~vlng or denYing thiS applicat,on. that the organization is applying for a prem,ses permit Within i <br />township limits. , <br />, <br /> <br />elt ',,'or' Count .. Townshl .. j <br />\ . -,....-.:........" \. ~-'~'. .--'" \. ., . . . --. <br />City orCounly /'jame ..-. Townsh,p Name <br />_.k:~.'.r:";""-<""',,~,: : [?:y\. ;.bi~ <br /> <br />"', '.., .,' ., ,,', ;,!c'i'k'h;$:~{!i.i~ ,s~~~re 01 Per:o~ "';i,~ng~~~tian <br />