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<br /> , <br />Arden Hills Council 2 August 31, 1992 . <br />roofline of the proposed building requiring a variance to <br />75' height. " Council agreed to this revision. <br />MOTION: Malone moved, seconded by Hicks, to approve the minutes <br /> of August 17, 1992 Regular Council Meeting with the <br /> above-noted revision to page seven. Motion carried <br /> unanimously (5-0) . <br />~O~SENT CALENDAR <br />Councilmember Mahowald and Growe agreed to approve item Ita" <br />under Consent Calendar, but expressed interest in further <br />discussing the item under "Council Comments". <br />MOTION: Hicks moved, seconded by Malone to approve the Consent <br /> Calendar and authorize execution of all necessary <br /> documents contained therein. Motion carried <br /> unanimously (5-0). <br /> a. Accept resignation from Jerry Miller, Chair, <br /> Public Safety/Works Committee. <br /> b, Appointment of Additional Election Judge for the <br /> 1992 state Primary Election, . <br /> c. Approval Final Pay Estimate #5 for 1991 North <br /> Snelling Avenue Improvements. <br /> d. Approve Release of Collateral Held on City's <br /> Behalf from Norwest Bank. <br /> e. Approve List of Claims/Payroll. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />There were no public comments, <br />PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />KEITHSON POND ASSESSMENTS <br />J continued from JulY....20 & ,June 29, ]992) <br />Mayor Sather opened the meeting at 7:40 p.m. for the purpose <br />of continuing a public hearing (from July 20 and June 29, <br />1992) on Keithson Pond Assessments. Act ing Clerk <br />Administrator Iago verified remailing of notices to affected <br />property owners on July 30, 1992, <br />Reviewing background, City Engineer Graham recalled that <br />estimated assessments for the proposed Keithson Pond project <br />were presented at the ,June 29 and July 20 assessment <br />hearings, where affected residents were given the <br />opportunity to register their objections. <br /> . <br />Graham added that on July 20, Counci 1 : <br />1) Based on the opinion of the City appraiser, established <br /> a maximum supportable per lot assessment of $1,500; and <br />2 ) Based on the opinion of the City Engineer after review <br /> of the topography of the area, determined which <br />