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<br />Arden Hills Council 4 August 31, 1992 . <br /> <br />Jean Crimmins asked when construction would begin. Graham <br />stated that the contractor had initially indicated the work <br />would begin right after Labor Day, but that schedule has now <br />been postponed for a couple of weeks. <br /> <br />Attorney Filla commented that the purpose of tonight's <br />meeting is to allow an exchange regarding previously <br />registered objections and responses, and he assured that <br />Council is aware and has considered all the previously heard <br />comments on this issue. He stated that he would be <br />comfortable conducting the public hearing tonight, but if <br />Council so desired, the meeting could be rescheduled to a <br />specific date. <br /> <br />Mayor Sather stated he would be amenable to postponing if <br />residents desire. Councilmember Mahowald reminded that <br />those in attendance this evening already know everyone's <br />positions on this issue, and the issue has already been <br />delayed. Councilmember Malone echoed Mahowald's cOTI@ents <br />and reiterated the fact that additional objections will not <br />be introduced this evening. Councilmember Growe stated she <br />would accept postponing or moving the item to the end of <br />this evening's agenda to allow residents adequate time to <br />review the Summary and Response document. Councilmember . <br />Hicks stated that Council has been trying to resolve issues <br />involving Keithson Pond for a very long time, and he does <br />not appreciate innuendo that Council has lied to the public <br />on this matter; he agreed to postpone if residents so desire <br />after review of the material. councilmember Mahowald <br />concurred with Hicks and stated that Council has tried at <br />length to resolve the Keithson Pond issue and is not likely <br />to be receptive to negative comments made against council's <br />intentions ln this matter. <br /> <br />Council agreed to recess for 15 minutes, then let the <br />residents decide whether to postpone the hearing, The <br />meeting recessed. <br /> <br />Mayor Sather reconvened the public hearing at 8:15 p.m, and <br />reminded residents that discussion would be limited to the <br />previously registered objections and their responses. <br />Attorney Filla asked to focus on each objection case by case <br />as outlined in the July 27 Summary and Response document, <br /> <br />Nelson Ob'iectigJL....::.._450"n..Keithson: Ron Nelson complimented <br />staf f fOl: thei r summary of Kei thson Pond background, He <br />asked if the estimated project costs reported this evening <br />by Graham include easement acquisition on the Reiling <br />property. Attorney Filla reported that the Reiling property . <br />needed for the pond is currently involved in condemnation; <br />the project costs reported this evening do not include any <br />Reiling property acquisition costs. Graham added that the <br />