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<br /> I <br /> .. The condition of the existing roadway, as evidenced by the alligator cracking, raveling, rutting and <br /> I potholes described earlier, indicates that the best option for this roadway would be reconstruction. <br /> I A reconstruction project would include storm sewer improvements to properly drain storm water <br /> runoff and construction of bituminous street improvements to serve predominantly truck traffic. <br /> I Concrete curb and gutter would also be constructed. All improvements constructed would meet <br /> Municipal State Aid Requirements so that those funds could be utilized to fund the project. The <br /> I reconstruction of Round Lake Road West would be the most expensive of the two options, as will <br /> I be discussed in the Cost section of this study, but would provide the longest term solution. <br /> I Given the uncertainty, however, of future development in this area, reconstruction of the roadway <br /> in its present alignment would likely not serve future growth without significant alteration. <br /> I Discussions with City staff lead to the conclusion that reconstruction of the roadway, at this time, <br /> , is not a viable option. <br /> I The second option for improving the roadway would be a maintenance type project to remove and <br /> patch the worst areas of the pavement section, provide a bituminous leveling course to re-establish <br /> I drainage patterns and then overlay the entire roadway with two to four inches of bituminous wear <br /> I course. The thickness of the overlay would be greater than the one and one-half inch overlay <br /> projects constructed on residential streets due to the heavy truck and commercial traffic using <br /> I Round Lake Road West. This option would require that some areas of the existing roadway be <br /> chosen for removal while other areas would be simply overlaid. <br /> I <br /> I Unfortunately, the existing pavement is distressed to the extent that the vast majority of the surface <br /> would need to be cut and patched. It would not be cost effective to attempt to patch only locJl1i7.eO <br /> areas. In addition, the estimated "life" of a roadway with this type of overlay project is <br /> 5 <br /> I <br /> ------ <br />