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<br /> I <br /> .. bituminous overlay over the entire roadway, much in the same manner as the City's pavement <br /> maintenance projects in the past two years. This overlay is placed approximately one week after <br /> I the fmal completion of the third step. The thickness of this overlay would be determined based on <br /> I the heavy truck traffic volumes. <br /> I According to Mr. Schacht, the benefits of the CIR program include the ability to remove existing <br /> I cracks, surface rutting, utility trench settlements and potholes which may reflect through overlay <br /> if not corrected. These are the benefits which would not be rr-"li7,.tl if the second option of <br /> I patching the existing roadway followed by an overlay was constructed. Deficient or excessive <br /> road crowns can also be corrected. <br /> I <br /> I Ramsey County officials indicate that they expect a CIR pavement surface to last 15 to 20 years <br /> before major maintenance or reconstruction would be required. By comparison, the County <br /> , estimates a road with a standard overlay to have a shorter "life" on the order of 5 to 12 years, <br /> depending on the amount of heavy truck traffic. It is clear that this roadway has significantly high <br /> I volumes of truck traffic, which would result in expected "lives' toward the lower range of years. <br /> I The third option would provide the City a roadway with the longest "life", short of reconstruction, <br /> I at a significantly lower cost than reconstruction. These two costs will be compared in the Cost <br /> section of this study. <br /> I <br /> Improvements on Round Lake Road West to provide drainage of stonn water runoff are common <br /> I to all three options. However, the type of improvement constructed dictates the stonn sewer <br /> I improvements that can be made. The soil report indicates that the sand below the pavement <br /> 7 <br /> I <br />