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<br />. <br /> records, as provided in Section lO below. The City <br />. Clerk/Administrator is authorized and directed to deliver a <br /> certified copy of this Bond Resolution to the County Auditor of <br /> Ramsey County, together with such other information as the County <br /> Auditor may require, and obtain the certificate of the County <br /> Auditor as to entry of the Bond on his bond register as required <br /> by the Act and Section 475.63, Minnesota Statutes. <br /> 9. Mutilated. Lost. Stolen or Destroved Bond. If the <br /> Bond is mutilated, lost, stolen or destroyed, the City may <br /> execute and deliver to the Holder a new Bond of like amount, <br /> date, number and tenor as that mutilated, lost, stolen or <br /> destroyed; provided that, in the case of mutilation, the <br /> mutilated Bond shall first be surrendered to the City, and in the <br /> case of a lost, stolen or destroyed Bond, there shall be first <br /> furnished to the City and the Borrower evidence of such loss, <br /> theft or destruction satisfactory to the City and the Borrower, <br /> together with indemnity satisfactory to them. The City and <br /> Borrower may charge the Holder with their reasonable fees and <br /> expenses in replacing any mutilated, lost, stolen or destroyed <br /> Bond. <br /> lO. Transfer of Bond: Person Treated as Holder. The <br /> Bond shall be transferable by the Holder only on the registration <br /> records of the City, upon presentation of the Bond for notation <br /> of such transfer thereon at the office of the City <br />. Clerk/Administrator, as Bond registrar, accompanied by a written <br /> instrument of transfer in form satisfactory to the City <br /> Clerk/Administrator and the City Attorney duly executed by the <br /> Holder or its attorney duly authorized in writing. The Bond <br /> shall continue to be subject to successive transfers in such <br /> manner at the option of the Holder of the Bond. No service <br /> charge shall be made for any such transfer, but the City <br /> Clerk/Administrator may require payment of a sum sufficient to <br /> cover any tax or other governmental charge payable in connection <br /> therewith, which the Borrower shall pay under the Loan Agreement. <br /> The person in whose name the Bond shall be issued or, if <br /> transferred, shall be registered from time to time shall be <br /> deemed and regarded as the absolute Holder thereof for all <br /> purposes, and payment of or on account of the principal of and <br /> interest on the Bond shall be made only to or upon the order of <br /> the Holder thereof, or its attorney duly authorized in writing, <br /> and neither the City, the City Clerk/Administrator, the Borrower, <br /> nor the Lender shall be affected by any notice to the contrary. <br /> All such payments shall be valid and effectual to satisfy and <br /> discharge the liability upon the Bond to the extent of the sum or <br /> sums so paid. The Bond shall be initially registered in the name <br /> of the Lender. <br /> lL Amendments. Chanqes and Modifications to Documents <br /> and Bond Resolution. Except pursuant to Section 9.09 of the Loan <br /> Agreement, the City shall not enter into or make any change, <br />. <br /> -5- <br />