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<br /> Administration: Canvass & Program: <br /> 2918 West 39th Street MINNESOTA PuBLIC loBBY 460 1 Excelsior Boulevard #402 <br /> Mirmeapolis. Minnesota 55410 Mirmeapolis. Mirmesota 55416 <br /> Phone (61 2) 922 - 2852 Phone (612) 922-5978 <br /> . Formerly M.P.L.S. . Minneapolis Park LoverS Fax (612) 922-5448 <br /> Board orDtrecton <br /> . Norman L Newhall <br /> President <br /> + Marc Anderson Mr. Gal-Y Be,ge, <br /> Vice President Aclmi ns trator <br /> . Fran Davis ll,50 w. Hwy. 96 <br /> Vice President Ardt~n Hills, MN 55112 <br /> . Kathryn Glessing <br /> Vice President <br /> . Ka.therine Christianson <br /> Sec:relalyffreasurer i I 16, 1992 <br /> . Dave Anderson <br /> . Bob Andrews, Jr. Deal" D~ar Mr. Berger: <br /> Stepben Benson <br /> Robert C. Bergford <br /> Susan Bunnell Minnes.ota Public Lobby, forme,ly known as Mi nn{~apo 1 is Park <br /> William Boudreau LoverSs will be conducting political, educational and cha.ritablE? <br /> Bruce Candlin doo}- to rJoor community beginning May 1 , 1992, and <br /> JonaIban Coben, Ph.D. canvass 1n your <br /> BArlwa Diamond t-ufHli n(J through (\ugust 1 , 1992. <br /> George Doerr, Jr. t-linnesota Pub 1 i c Lobby 1 ~." a .non-profit, non-par-t i san <br /> -. <br /> Michael B. Fisher orqanization, inCllrpO'f'ated in 1988 Undt:-f- Chapter 317 o-f the laws <br /> :O~F:maDM.~D'nt'"tht=_;.. Stdtf~ lJf- Minne~,uta, d'rl[J Section 501 (c) {. or the Un.jted <br /> ert au er, . <br /> iiTHelgeSOD . ',;L,tf'''. lnte'~nal Rel"""'llIP COOp_ <br /> Hesse <br /> " . ..dI3Hoag '"L;',3r-;.i'uJ the p'priod' :01" (_'U!" Ldnva::i,~:;). vh-:"l.\'i-ll be c:nnt'actirli) i:~~<:fi{jEnt5 <br /> Vlrguua Humphrey :' .' " ". . . . . . . , ,_ <br /> SlcveoJ.Johosoo -'-it ~.I,L'lr h()me~~ b!.:!!;W~l~I\ tl"lP lifH,1' . Lit 1:1 p.~m. dnd 9 p,,{f;. 7 U1! <br /> Ruth Jones :'.L'L j.~da.y~.:,. ThE~ Cdn-"/.c.1S:-:.i;-~- ~=. I..J l! 1 L:;,;~ :Jj :AnH''")':.l fH] i ~, Sl.lf':"S Dr 1o(.:a.1 ,-)lH:l <br /> Keith Kajander ,r;:'\j_~uni) 1 i r~tt!:'~~s.t, d 1 s t r i Lid t:; ',"-ilj '1 i t~.....t-..i. L.L- e J pe-Lilinnjnq} i.'~nd <br /> Peggy Kaplan /I,n:""-:'i J ~",i flq; wf? dr' E~ fLt.t ~.-i[~ 1 1 i n~l ..:..Hytt-!llIlJ, <br /> James L Kri~sel <br /> Laurie Lundy <br /> WalterMay,Jr. lJl'r "pT-nr.'.:-'(i~ ll"t-? in many i:: DlHntd li.:i L 1 ~":l.~:: 1, ~:i. i. Lr- .lL'2\/i:;:' .':1 11~t of <br /> John Moe 1"c:fl""~~SSEr ~--; ~*1 t~\ -Lhi;..l P:Jli{:E~ [lPF' a j' (:'"J="')", t {1'.1 tin:' day we begin uu~ <br /> William~MuJliD <br /> George Murnane ~:";,,r~v'").~:~'O'1 and tD upoahc. l.Ihd. l J I" t ". ,,~~ tl'1I2 need ar i St::~ . The 1) st nf <br /> Jobn Richter L :T!' r-.'-G >C."- ~t~'l i nc: 1 udrC's thpil. n':'-IIllC'';:j, . ci d t p~" Df b:\, addT-f:=-SSE'S dnd <br /> Renee Selig ~~;L' ( i~, 1 Si?ClH'i ty numt:J:E'j-~.. In an.di -t.i on.. f:-a.i::-h canvasser carries a <br /> lames Serrin, Ph. D. l-J!'1Ui-t1 [ .0. card dnd ideni~i f li!';', hpr Ih"] m~;;;~] f at l2'i:H:h dour. <br /> Linda Stinson <br /> Micfuiel Sl:reitz" I hav~ r-ull~l\lant for file. Please w,ite <br /> Ueland enc losed ~..nlnl? p_:JpC1rs your- <br /> + GaI)'Wagner ffir:' a btiilf t :"l~t tPl~ to cnllf i ;--;1": lhj'.:j procedure 01" to advise me of <br /> o.,bWaJdiD ~:'Hy cll;,nC]~.?':;, ~ I .:Jin enC1O!;;11Tlt] -ii, ~~:;.amp ll:' 1.t:-.'tter that many <br /> Warren Woodrich. c(jnHf~uni t ,] ::'~5 hd\/~::- found h<'lpflll. 1 f you have any questJons, <br /> Cowuel: p :{ .r:::iE:,P --f'e-c.l f:: PC- tr.~ CUy';t,:"jct 11..,:-, <br /> Thomas Goodman <br /> "fha,ik YDU v[~ry mucl'"j lc.,. YUi.~{" liplp In this matt::!r a I look i-orW~l'd <br /> Sbtr: hi hE'~~'( i nq from ynu.. <br /> K.a1berine Christianson <br /> Secretafyffresurer <br /> Michael McDonald <br /> ~ <br /> ti::~:: .. ;". .~" ~'71 ' <br /> + Executive ColllllUttee ry . <br /> Members T;::.dd l"li.:ll n <br /> Staff j) j" ','(2;: 1'-0,- <br /> Contributions to Minnesota Park Lovers. a ,,01 I dll\ ~i~r nrp~ni7~tinn M'>'> tQy..A.,:oAn....tih~ <br />