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<br /> . ~ .~~. "ternal Revenue Service 1artment of the Treasury <br /> ....-;" ~ District Director <br /> . p .0 80:< A-3~~90 Df'N 22--2 <br /> CHICAGO, IL 606'lO <br /> Date: MAR 28 1990 EmplJ~yer Identificat[()n NumGer: <br /> 41-1,S263B7 <br /> Contact PerSOl1: <br /> J. REINSM <br /> I~HINEi\POLIS PARK LO'.IER'3 Contact Telephone Number: <br /> ;~91B l~ :39TH ST (3L~) 886-127t) <br /> NINNEAPOLIS, MN 564lC< <br /> In t>:".n a I ReVenue Code- <br /> Sect ;',n i50l(c) (4) <br /> Accounting PeriOd Ending: <br /> De[l~mb(:-r 31 <br /> F I) r'm 990 R0q u ired: <br /> Yes <br /> -.-. Addendum App lie,,: <br /> N.) <br /> Dear lipplicant: <br /> [:a'5~d on informatiolt supp! ie~, and assuming your operations Hi j I b~ d:~ <br /> ~;;t~'j tJE!d in ';IOUI"" .appl ic.utinn. for rec,:rgnition (,f l~xemptj1)nl' l-!t? have dete-nnined <br /> . you .fli'.? e:{'.?lupt fr""om FJ.::de(',11 income taK under s8ction 501(a) of tl1J.? Inb.=-rna I <br /> Revenue Code as dn orgdTlization desE:ribed in the Sl~[t i on in(ficatetl aboveR <br /> U~less specifiea! Iy e](cept0d, '/,jU d r~ lidllle for tdxes under the Federal <br /> Insurance Contributions Act (S(;,'c i <"J I seClJY- i t'i t.;1X0S) for e-:lch amp f I)Yf:.\e to HI1I:)m <br /> yO(( PdY $100 or "lOre during d calendar yedr. And, un f ass ~xct?ptt~d, YI)U {l re <br /> al.:;t) I j,'b I.? f')r bx under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act fJJr each emp[IJyee <br /> to l~hom you pay $50 or fllore during a calendar quarter I l' I during the cu,rent <br /> or preceding calendar year, you had one Ot~ more emp loye\:-s .at any time in e<lch <br /> of 20 calendar weeks or you p~id wag2s of $1,500 or' more in any calendar <br /> q 11.) rter... If you Ildve ~ny questions abl}ut excise! employment, or other Fed.,ral <br /> td~es, please dd('res~ ttl0m to this ~)ffice. <br /> If YI)ur- s()ur-ces l)f support, or your purposes, chdr,ilctert or tuethod of <br /> operation change, please t et us k nOI,~ so He can cons j der the effect of th~ <br /> change Dn your exempt st~tus. In th~ case of an amendment to your organiza- <br /> tiQl1dl document or byl~I~1;' p lease send us a COllY of the ameTlded (tocunlent or <br /> b;./l.aHs.. Also, Yf)U ShOll I d infof'tn us of a II ch~lng0s in Yl)Ur name or address. <br /> In the headinQ of tllis lett8'f He hav8 indicated whether you must fi I~ Form <br /> 990, Return of Orgdniz~tior\ Exempt From Income TdK. If Yes is indicated, ':/1:)0- <br /> are required to fj Ie Form 990 J)nly if your gross receipts each year are <br /> nQr'rna { I y more th~1n $26, O()o. H01'!8Ve r'1 if you n'?ce i ve a Form 990 p~lckagct in thE- <br /> luai f, please fi Ie the return even if you do not eKceed the gross r~ceipts test. <br /> If you are not required to fi Ie, simply attach the label providedl cht:~ck the <br /> . hi):,:: in the heading to iTldic.ate that your annu~l gross rec~ipts ~r~ normally <br /> $2!;;,OOO or less, ~nd sign the retllrn. <br /> If ~ retu.rn is t-~,ql.l [n:,.d, it must: hI;' f i I Ed by the H5th d.ii~' .)f tilt- f i ftil <br /> ulonth after the end of your annu~l dCCtlunting lJeri,)d. A p&nalty of $10 . day <br /> i s c h.J t-~1~d I,,~hen a retu:'-o j.s f j led l.at21 un I €'S';:j th~r8 is re.ason.ab I I.'=:' Cii!,''Se f('r <br />