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<br /> . -rIfJII~.,,:,I ~,"""G ~G""," <br /> Maier Stewart & Associates Inc. <br /> April 22, 1992 <br /> Fil e No: 520-029-20 <br /> Honorable Mayor & City Council <br /> City of Arden Hills <br /> 1450 W. Highway 96 <br /> Arden Hi 11 s. MN 55112 <br /> RE: lED Of'ENING <br /> 1992 KEITHSON POND AREA STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS <br /> Dear Council Members: <br /> The pub 1 i c heari ng for thi s fJroj ect wi 11 be conti nuted ~t the Apri 1 27, 1992 <br /> City Council meeting. Bids were received and opened at 10:00 on April <br /> 22, 1992 for the Keithson Pond Area Storm Sewer Improvements. A list of <br /> . the eight bidders and their bids is shown below. An itemized bid tabulation <br /> is also attached. <br /> Contractor Total Bid <br /> Machtemes Construction, Inc. $ 34,514.00 <br /> CCS Contracting, Inc. $ 35,339.00"..L- <br /> F.M. Frattalone, Inc. $ 35,fi90.90 <br /> Ryan Contracting. Inc. $ 37.897.40 <br /> Widmer, Inc. ~ 38.542.75 <br /> \\.B. rmler. Inc. $ 39.891.75 <br /> Penn Contracting. Inc. $ 45,646.00 <br /> Ro-So Contracting, Inc. $ 82.335.00 <br /> As you recall, this project was re-bid following further comments from <br /> property owners and plan revisions requested from the March 9, 1992 public <br /> hearing. The original low bid received at that time was $28.840.00. <br /> We worked with Chuck Machtemes on projects in Carver. Minnesota befere he <br /> started his own business ~even years ago. We have also contijctpd referpnces <br /> provi ded tor work comp 1 eted i r. Long Lake and Vi ctori a. These references <br /> indicated that Machtemes Construction. Inc. met all the specifications of <br /> the projects and adequately performed their work in a timely manner. <br /> Based on these references. we are prepared to recornmenu award of this <br /> . project to Machtemes Construction. IIIC. as the lowest responsible bidder. <br /> 1959 SLOAN PLACE, ST. PAUL, MINNEsarA 55117 612.774.6021 <br /> 9800 SHELARD PARKWAY, MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55441 612.546.0432 Equal Opportunity Employer <br />