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<br /> 1".-\" 612 481 2083 Baly){ & Wiseman i4]oo6 <br /> lJ6/1U82 12::n <br /> After the December, 1990 city council approval, I spent <br /> . approximately $35,000.00 between December of 1990 and December of <br /> 1991. These expenses were in the form. of carrying expenses for <br /> debt, architectural expenses, expenses accrued by the City <br /> processing with their engineers and other staff, Rice Creek <br /> Water-shed District approval, and procedures for securing <br /> financing. <br /> In December of 1991, I made formal application for an <br /> extension as per city direction. I was told by Kathy Iago that <br /> my written request must be submitted at least three days prior to <br /> the December 30th city council Meeting. I submitted my written <br /> request on December 15, 1991. Just prior to the Council meeting, <br /> for which my site plan was scheduled for review, I was contacted <br /> . by John Bergly with an alternative suggestion of simply <br /> "suspending" the site plan. That was the te= he used; <br /> IIsuspendingll. He stated the Council would not act on it either <br /> way; neither approve or deny it. It would simply be carried in a <br /> "suspended" state until I could receive financing. <br /> There were two other projects in a very similar situation <br /> and his suggestion was based on the fact that the city did not <br /> want to 'spend time and money approving site plan extensions for <br /> which financing may not be available. This made sense from my <br /> point of view, in that my project was similarly situated. Mr. <br /> Bergly stated that once approval was obtained, the site plan <br /> could simply be "reinstated", and I could proceed on with the <br /> project from where I had left off and not have to "reapply". <br /> . <br /> 2 <br />