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<br /> --------- ---- <br /> L no Event of Default has occurred. No approval by the City shall. <br /> re 1 ieve the Developer of the obligation to comply with the terms <br /> of this Agreement, the terms of the Program, applicable federal, <br /> state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, or to <br /> construct the Minimum Improvements. No approval by the City shall <br /> constitute a waiver of an Event of Default. Such Construction <br /> Plans shall , in any event, be deemed approved unless rejected in <br /> writing by the City, in whole or in part. Such rejection shall set <br /> forth in detail the reasons therefor, and shall be made within <br /> tw'enty ( 20) days after the date of their receipt by the City. If <br /> the City rejects the Construction Plans in whole or in part, the <br /> Devp.loper shall submit new or corrected Constructions Plans within <br /> sixty (60 ) days after written notification to the Developer of the <br /> rejection. The provisions of the Section relating to approval, <br /> rejection and resubmission or corrected Construction Plans shall <br /> continue to apply until the Construction Plans have been approved <br /> by the City. The City's approval shall not be unreasonably <br /> withheld. Said approval shall constitute a conclusive determina- <br /> tion that the Construction Plans (and the Minimum Improvements, if <br /> constructed in accordance with said plans) comply to the City's <br /> satisfaction with the provisions of this Agreement relating <br /> thereto, The Construction Plans shall not be rejected due to any <br /> objection which could have been raised upon review of the Prelimi- <br /> nary plans and corrected more economically at that time. <br /> (c) If the Developer desires to make any change in the. <br /> Preliminary Plans or Construction Plans after their approval by the <br /> City, the Developer shall submit the proposed change to the City <br /> for its approval. If the Preliminary Plans or Construction Plans, <br /> as modified by the proposed change, conform to the requirements of <br /> this Section 3.2 of this Agreement with respect to such previously <br /> approved Construction Plans, the City shall approve the proposed <br /> change and notify the Developer in writing of its approval. Such <br /> change in the Preliminary Plans or Construction Plans shall, in any <br /> event, be deemed approved by the City unless rejected, in whole or <br /> in part, by written notice by the City to the Developer, setting <br /> forth in detail the reasons therefor. Such rejection shall be made <br /> within ten ( 10) days after receipt of the notice of such change. <br /> Section 3 . 3 . Commencement and Completion of Construction. <br /> T.he Developer shall commence construction-of the Minimum Improve- <br /> ments on July 30, 1990, or on such other date as the parties shall <br /> mutually agree, The Developer shall substantially complete the <br /> construction of the Minimum Improvements by December 31, 1990 <br /> subject to mutual agreement in writing to extend signed by all <br /> parties and to unavoidable delays not caused by Developer. All <br /> work with respect to the Minimum Improvements to be constructed or <br /> provided by the Developer on the Development Property shall be in <br /> conformity with the Preliminary Plans and Construction Plans as <br /> submit.ted by the Developer and approved by the City. . <br /> I <br /> 7 <br /> ___n____ ________ <br />