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<br /> . full insurable replacement value of the Minimum Improvements, <br /> but any such policy may have a deductible amount of not more <br /> than $25,000. no policy of insurance shall be so written that <br /> the proceeds thereof will produce less than the minimum <br /> coverage required by the preceding sentence, by reason of co- <br /> insurance provisions or otherwise, without the prior consent <br /> thereto in writing by the Administrator. The term "full <br /> insurable replacement value" shall mean the actual replacement <br /> cost of the Minimum Improvements (excluding foundation and <br /> excavation costs and costs of underground flues, pipes, drains <br /> and other uninsurable items) and equipment. <br /> (ii) Comprehensive general public liabil i ty insurance, <br /> including personal injury liabi li ty (with employee exclusion <br /> deleted), and automobile insurance, including owned, non-owned <br /> and hired automobiles, against liability for injuries to <br /> persons and/or property, in the minimum amount for each <br /> occurrence and for each year of $1,000,000.00, for public <br /> liability not arising from ownership or operation of automobi- <br /> les (or other motor vehic les) , and in the minimum amount of <br /> $300,000 for each occurrence and for each year for liability <br /> arising out of ownership or operation of automobiles. <br /> (iii) Such other insurance, including worker's compensa- <br /> tion insurance respecting all employees of the Developer <br /> . engaged in work with respect to the construction of the <br /> Minimum Improvements, in such amount as is customarily carried <br /> by like organizations engaged in like activities of comparable <br /> size and liability exposure; provided that the Developer may <br /> be self-insured with respect to all or any part of its <br /> liability for worker's compensation. <br /> (c) All insurance required in Article IV of this Agreement <br /> shall be taken out and maintained in responsible insurance <br /> companies selected by the Developer which are authorized under the <br /> laws of the State to assume the risks covered thereby. The <br /> Developer will deposit annually with the Administrator policies <br /> evidencing all such insurance, or a certificate or certificates or <br /> binders of the respective insurers stating that such insurance is <br /> in force and effect. <br /> -., <br /> (d) The Developer agrees to notify the Administrator <br /> immediately in the case of damage exceeding $50,000 in amount to, <br /> or destruction of, the Minimum Improvements or any portion thereof <br /> resulting from fire or other casualty. In the event that any such <br /> damage does not exceed $50,000, the Developer will forthwith <br /> repair, reconstruct and restore the Minimum Improvements to <br /> substantially the same or an improved condition or value as it <br /> existed prior to the event causing such damage and, to the extent <br /> necessary to accomplish such repair, reconstruction and restora- <br /> . tion, the Developer \oIi11 apply the Net Proceeds of any insurance <br /> relating to such damage received by the Developer to the payment <br /> 10 <br />