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<br /> . <br /> Arden Hills Council 3 July 13, 1992 <br /> appears that there is now an improved plan to address the . <br /> problem. <br /> Councilmember Malone reminded that the appraiser has <br /> determined that a $1,500 per lot assessment would be <br /> justifiable to benefiting lots. He commented that in <br /> viewing the topographical maps of the Keithson area, it <br /> appears that lots on the eastern side of the street <br /> contribute about 50% of their drainage to Keithson pond, <br /> lots on the western side of the street contribute 100% of <br /> their drainage to the pond, and one lot on the northeast <br /> contributes about 25% of its drainage. In light of this <br /> observation, he suggested that the western lots (except for <br /> the one at the north end) be assessed at 100%, eastern lots <br /> and the most northwestern lot at 50%, and the one north lot <br /> at 25% of $1,500. Councilmembers Mahowald and Hicks <br /> concurred. <br /> MOTION: Malone moved, seconded by Hicks, to determine that the <br /> Keithson Pond project provides the following benefits <br /> in storm water run-off, and assessments are to be run <br /> over a five year period and calculated on the basis of <br /> 100% being equal to $1,500 per lot. <br /> - 100% benef it ($1,500 assessment) to lots with <br /> addresses 4527, 4521, 4509, 4503 Keithson Drive; . <br /> - 50% benefit ($750 assessment) to lots with <br /> addresses 4504, 4510, 4516, 4522, 4528, 4534, 4539 <br /> Keithson Drive; <br /> - 25% benefit ($375 assessment) to lot with address <br /> 4540 Keithson Drive. <br /> Motion carried unanimously (4-0). <br /> Council questioned when construction would begin. Engineer <br /> Maurer stated the City has the right of entry to begin <br /> proceeding with the work upon notification of the <br /> contractor. Attorney Filla concurred. <br /> UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS <br /> ORDINANCE 288 - DEVELOPMENT MORATORIUM <br /> City Planner Bergly advised that after several months of <br /> discussion, the Planning Commission has recommended that <br /> Council adopt a development moratorium, via adoption of <br /> Ordinance 288, for a one-year period in order to provide <br /> time for a comprehensive review of the City's zoning <br /> regulations. <br /> MOT ION: Malone moved, seconded by Hicks, to adopt Ordinance 288 <br /> Establishing a City-Wide Development Moratorium for one . <br /> year. Motion carried unanimously (4-0). <br />