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CCP 10-13-1992
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CCP 10-13-1992
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<br />------------- - <br /> September 28, 1992 . <br />Arden Hills Council 6 <br />added that the relief options suggested on behalf of those <br />residents he represents are 1) Abandon the project, or 2 ) <br />Table the matter for further study, Or 3) Do not adopt the <br />assessment roll, or 4) Levy the cost of the project against <br />the t.wo properties who actually benefit by the improvement. <br />Arnold Lindberg, 3520 Siems Court, opposed the route chosen <br />by Council for the storm sewer on the basis of cost and the <br />fact that there is a large tree on the Lundgren property <br />which will create an obstacl e. He suggested choosing <br />another route for the storm sewer which would be less costly <br />and require less maintenance, namely redirecting the water <br />across the Noyed property to Ridgewood Road. He said his <br />suggested route would be much mOre direct, therefore, it <br />would require shorter distance of pipe at 1 ess cost. <br />Engineer Graham said that he actually reviewed three route <br />options, but discounted the route suggested by Lindberg <br />because of a lack of easement along that route and the <br />elevati.ons of that route. <br />Lindberg commented that building permits should not have <br />been issued for the McGuire 1 at. . Referring to the . <br />presentation booklet, he corrected some errors and <br />omissions, and drew attention to t.he fact that. the area now <br />serving as uponding" has always been a swamp area. He <br />stated that the existing drainage pipe was probably <br />destroyed by hauling done as part of the development of the <br />area. He commented that the improvement as proposed would <br />only be a "band-aid" and would not address the problem <br />adequately. <br />Warren McGuire. 1553 Arden Place, stated that he does not <br />know who laid the existing drainage pipe, he wants to see <br />the problem corrected, has not determined who should be <br />responsible, and objects t.o an assessment. He asked what <br />happened when the City attempted to unclog the <br />pipe. Graham report.ed that the City has made several <br />attempts to unclog the existing pipe, but when the City <br />brought in a cont.ractor to make one final attempt to uncl og <br />the pipe, one property owner denied access through his <br />property. <br />Attorney Filla reported that,his research indicates that the <br /> pipe was not a City project and an easement was <br />never obtained. He asked McGuire for background on his <br />home. McGuire st.ated that the original buyer pulled out <br />after the home was const.ructed; that he then purchased the . <br />home without knowing the previous history "nd was told by <br />the builder (Wally Bauer) that the existing drainage pipe <br />provides adequate drainage for the home. <br />
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