<br />, RECEIVED NOV 9 1992
<br /> c c ! C'ZY<< M' .'/fr-/!<'do.r
<br /> D. jJre' 10 S .,..
<br /> '130::: Cann()n ,!,venue J; t0~'t :~et.~ - l!.J'~' z.!?#tSt}/,-,,-
<br />- .b.rden Hi lis., MH 55112
<br /> 11-6-92
<br /> MalloI' and Council tvlembers
<br /> ,
<br /> Village of ,b.r(len Hills
<br /> 1450 West Hi9~wv'aY 96
<br /> Arden Hills,. tv1t.j 55112
<br /> Dear Mayor and Council:
<br /> Subj.: Public 'Works facilit',i
<br /> Follo\vin9 the defeat of the proposed public worl< facility proposal in the recent election
<br /> I 'hl)uld like b:, pass on some thou9hts re',pr,jin9 the failure of this proposal as 'well a.s
<br /> offer a possible alternative for you to consider.
<br /> First, let me tellllou my family and I have nothing but the hi9hest of praise fc,r;3.11 of you
<br /> who aTe INillin9 to serve our village -- ma}'or, council, appointed r)fficials, and full time
<br /> staff. Havin<:j IivE?d in the villagE? for thirty-four years :3.nd 1'101"1' seeing our son and his
<br /> famil)1 move in tc' the cornmuni~i makes me all tl1e more appreciative ofp:3.stand
<br /> present village government.
<br />. I voted against the much needed proposal and encouraged my family to do the same
<br /> onl}o' because I feel most strongly that ti,e $2.8 million 'Wi3.S absolutely out of sight as a
<br /> put,lic \",'orks facili~i, I am convinced we are getting '1'I'i.l.nts and needs mixed up. It
<br /> seems the costcompa.risons people make are in relation to other structures builtby
<br /> municipa Iities 3.n.j ,)th",r go'.",rnm", nt 3,9'" ncies.
<br /> In one of the local papers I saw a dra'wing ofthe proposed building. For the space you
<br /> are ""t3.nting to buy that is too much mon",y! We need 3. building and 'fte probabl~1 need
<br /> it v.or:;e th;:;,n an;,' other body in the State, 1 <I.gr",e. HOIN€-,'/H, ther", aI'''' <I.lt",rnativ""s: <I,nd
<br /> we shcoul,j not look to c.thermunicip<l.lities to see hO"Nt~ley h3.'/e 'r'/<l.sted money.
<br /> Having be",n on the Planning Commission a,nd Soap) of ,!.ppe.als EoOme years ago 3.nd
<br /> ha.ving gon"" through an 3pprentic"'ship in the building trade,; e'.en more years ago I
<br /> do haVE? a bit of an underst3.nding of construction and costs. \Ne haYe b:o 'jet a\h<l~l From
<br /> the square footage cost guidelines as given t,y some of our archit2ctand big builder
<br /> friends. Let us i:cl.k". ;3. look :3.t 'Nhat, for e~:ample, a trucking compan~l mi<:jht put in for
<br /> their v"'ry a.dequat€' ,shops and :stomge.
<br /> I am quite Famili:3rwith modern pole buildings and I'd like to suggest you consider
<br /> what they could be to the -,'illage, First, regarding pole buildings, might I suggest you
<br /> drop any bias ;,'ou may have and look open mind",dly' at U-1E> fine, uS3J)I;;; structurE>s
<br /> availat,j", tod:3.y. OF course, one ofth",se could !)E; combinE;<:j "vit~!:3 tdo<::k: or stE?el
<br />- structure ;:j.~:; (jesjred. ;',nok:::t. County ,A.ir-pOtt h;:"t.::: deveicf)6'd if:;; &a:;t:;idE? In the fast
<br /> couple of years and there are '30m", beautiful large structures ther", that migrlt gi",'e
<br />