<br /> RECEIVED NOV 9 1992
<br /> c c ! t! 0<< ,<<' ,I"- ft<d'" .~
<br /> D, P,..,., (,5 r
<br /> '130E: Ca.nnc1n ,.:i,venue - u),' I!'
<br /> . ~, ,,:;~t.J~, - ,1-.'z:.!i'II$d>;-.
<br /> ,b,n)~n ~il!~., rvlt.) 5S"1-j 2
<br /> 11-6-92
<br /> Ma~'or an(l Council rvlernt.ers ~ftLjL--;;
<br /> Village of .-".rden Hills
<br /> 1450 \/V'est Hioi':v','av 96
<br /> 'J' _,
<br /> Arden Hills, MH 551'12
<br /> Dear Ma';.'or a.nd CounGiI:
<br /> Subj.: Public \Nort:s facility
<br /> Following the defeat of the proposed public 'vVork fiJ.cili~1 proposal in the recent election
<br /> I 'h-:;>Ijld like b:- pass on some thou~.;lh~3 regarding tile failure c,fthis propc'saI3.s "Nell as
<br /> offer a possiblB- aiterna.tivB- for youto con:o:der.
<br /> First, let me tell ~/ou my famil~1 and I have nothing t'utthe highest of praise fQr;3.11 ofJ'ou
<br /> who are "villin9 to seN;;';> our .t'i1la.g;;,;> -- mayor, council.. 8,ppointed officials, and full time
<br /> staff, Having lived in the village for thirt;~-four ,'ears and no"/\'"eeing ourson and his
<br /> ram i1y move in ~) the cornrnu ni!:'1' makes me a II the rnore apprec iatiw, of past and
<br /> present Yillage government.
<br /> . I 'toted againstth(; much nE>",ded proposal :3.nd",ncouraged my famil~1 to do the samE>
<br /> onl~' because I feel most slrongly that tlie $2.8 million was absolutely outof sight as a
<br /> put,lie: ',vorks fae:i!it;l. I am e:onyinced 'I',"€' are getting 'r'!<l.nts and needs mixed up. It
<br /> se(;ms the cost comparisons people make are in relation to c,therslructures built by
<br /> m u nicipa Iities :3.nd other gO'l€-rnme nt a9" ncies.
<br /> In one of the !')c0l.1 papers I sa'.(.( 01. dro:Ning of the proposed building. For the space you
<br /> are 'f!<l.nting to buy tha.t is too much money! 'vV",: ne",:d a. buildin9 and we probabl~t need
<br /> it worse th3, nan,' other body in the State. I agree. However, therE> are altE>mati'-ie~: a, nd
<br /> we sMUk] not look to oU-,,,,r tnunicipa.litie'3 ~~, see hoy'" trt"')' hOl.'.'e '1'I:3.3te,] mone,'.
<br /> Having been on trlE> Planning Commission and Board of .-".ppeals some years Ci.90 and
<br /> h3,ving <;Jone thmugh an a.pprenticE>ship in the building trad€'s even more y"'c,rS ago I
<br /> do have a bit 01' an undersC3,nding of,~onslruction and C'Y3ts. \tV", h;3."ie to geta:',,'/:3.;/ from
<br /> the squai'e foot:l.ge cc.st 9uidelines a~; 9iven l;.y some of ,)ur arc h it".Gt and big buiider
<br /> friend~;. Let us tak-2 ;3. look ;3.t "Nri;3.t, for e:.:;3.mple, a truckinq (<xnpany migt'it put in for
<br /> th~ir VBrj9:dequ:3.tB shop~; :3.nd ~;tOr.~.9~.
<br /> I am quite fiJ.miliar viith modern pole buil(lino;::s and I'd like to SU9'~;est ;/ou consider
<br /> what tt-,ey could be to the villa,;l'? First, regan:iing pole buildings, rniqht I sU99est ;!OU
<br /> dror, :3.n'~ bi;:;.s 'r'OU mav Ii;;,ve and look oo.,.n rnindedl~' at tho;> fine, u,sab!p strUcturo;>s
<br /> . } ..' I .
<br /> availat,le to(!a~'. Of cours;;.. on.,. oftt',ese '~oul(! :)e '~ornl')ine(l witt-, a t.!od:: or "te.,.1
<br /> . structur€' as dE-~3 irEKL A noka Co u nC;l ,~, Iq)()tt f4taS dB-Ve k~f~B-d itB &;3.:~t ~:; j(!t& In thB- j;3St
<br /> couple .:.f ~lear~; and tlier." 8rs- sorn.;; be8.utif'JI !arge slnKtur.;;s there that migt'lt 9i'-,'e
<br /> ,..., ~
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