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<br />- . OCT 21 j92 15:29 P.3 <br />I I <br />. Further discussion with Mr. Rabbett indicated a willingness on <br /> the u.s. Army's part to at least consider the sale or transfer of <br /> parcels of land to another government entity such as the County <br /> for future public use. Most recently, a transfer of property was <br /> accomplished with the U.S. Army Reserve which, I am told, is a <br /> different entity than the branch of the 'Army which owns and <br /> operates the TCAAP. <br /> I have reviewed possible land parcel sites and ,have found one <br /> which shows promise for further consideration. The location is <br /> Ofl the extension of Hamline Avenue, approximately 1/4 mile north <br /> of T.H.96. This is the location which was used by the Army <br /> Reserve prior. to their new location on T . H . 96 and Lexington <br /> Avenue. Thi~ 47 acre parcel. can have convenient public access <br /> withou t Army security, is relatively flat, arid was used in the <br /> past for heavy truck parking which indicates relatively stable <br /> soils. It is remote from the manufacturing buildings reducing <br /> the possibility of soil contamination. The location would be <br /> convenient to Moundsview, Arden Hills, and Shoreview for frequent <br /> use, and relatively easy access for less frequent use by <br /> Roseville, for example. <br /> The di~advantage of this location for municipalities is that it <br /> is not the center of each city; therefore, it r-equires extra <br /> driving, ,time. Sut conRidering that 11 municipalities are within <br />. 4 mile. of this location, the economy of scale should outweigh <br /> these travel costs. <br /> The Current Ramsey County Public Works facility is in the wrong <br /> location because of land values and the uJbanized nature of the <br /> location. The current .facility will also require extensive <br /> remodeling in the very near future. Because of this, I am <br /> pursuing the relocation possibility further. I will be formally <br /> contacting Mr. Rabbett to identify the steps necessary to acquire <br /> the land (which I am told could take up to two years) . I have <br /> also initiated some concept design considerations within our own <br /> staff._ I will also !:le contacting the nearby cities to get 11 <br /> !:letter feel for their desire to use the faCility. <br /> We have looked .at costs in a broad sense and also methods of <br /> handling these costs. It is estimated a new facility including a <br /> storage/mechanical, engineering, and administration area will <br /> cost $7-9 million. A complete analysis of the needed space will <br /> have to be. completed before a _ decision. to proceed with <br /> construction is made. <br /> Financing pf thi 5 effort could be comprised of County bonds, <br /> receipts of land sales for two future asphalt plant sites (Taco <br /> .:rohns and Lexington/county Road E) and or sale of the current <br /> publi c Works property, participation by communities for space <br />. ' use, or the municipal opportunities if the relocation OCcurs <br /> maki'ng the Rice/694 property available, for developmerJt and <br /> possible County dedication of CSAH receipts from future gas tax <br /> , <br />