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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — APRIL 8, 2024 3 <br />Councilmember Monson indicated this agreement would be put in place prior to development of <br />the site. <br />Councilmember Holden questioned if Ehlers was tweaking the developers horizontal numbers. <br />City Administrator Perrault reported the latest numbers show the horizontal numbers were <br />between $ 8 6 and $100 million. He stated these numbers have not been tweaked. He indicated the <br />City was waiting on the State funding from the legislature and if the County would be receiving <br />$25 million from the legislature. <br />Councilmember Holden stated it appears there would not be a financial meeting to discuss how <br />to fill the gap until the County hears from the legislature. <br />City Administrator Perrault reported he does not have a finance meeting scheduled between <br />now and May, but noted the JDA requested to discuss finances in May. He commented at the last <br />meeting with the County, he made it clear that while the County was issuing an RFP for the spine <br />road design which included the City's trunk utilities, that the design can be done, but the City <br />would recommend to not move forward with the project until the project finances or funding <br />sources have been identified. <br />Councilmember Monson indicated the Energy Advisory Committee met last week and Xcel <br />presented their eco programs. She commented further on the free programs Xcel has in place to <br />assist with energy modeling for builders and developers. She suggested the City encourage the <br />TCAAP developers to work with Xcel on the energy modeling program. <br />3. PUBLIC INQUIRIES/INFORMATIONAL <br />Linda Swanson, 1124 Ingerson Road, addressed the Council and made a request to receive <br />documentation prior to the April 20 meeting. She also asked that this documentation be made <br />available to the residents who attend the April 20 meeting. She indicated she was a long-time <br />resident who has been paying City taxes for years and she wanted to know where the City's <br />money goes. She requested the City also provide her with year-end reports that identify revenues <br />and expenditures for years 2019 through 2023. She understood the City was projecting a deficit <br />and requested the City also provide her with revenue and expenditure reports for years 2024 <br />through 2028. She stated if the City withholds this information from residents, who have a right to <br />the information, she requested written documentation that details why the information was being <br />withheld and the identity of any Councilmember that was trying to withhold this information. <br />Mark Kelliher, 3712 Chatham Court, reported in January the Council discussed the 1,960 units <br />for Rice Creek Commons. He indicated he was not opposed to this many units, but he feared the <br />slate in their haste to rush the project forward has not done their homework. He explained both <br />Mayor Grant and Councilmember Holden had questioned if this was the right number of units. <br />Rather than answer this question, Councilmember Monson criticized them for talking too much <br />and dismissed their concerns. He stated after seeing such a defensive reaction he was set on his <br />own quest to answer this very question. He noted he has listened to all of the Council <br />worksessions and meetings. He explained he had exchanged emails with Councilmember Monson <br />and had a conversation with Councilmember Fabel, along with various members from staff. He <br />reported he received a copy of the consultants forecast and thoroughly examined this. He was of <br />the opinion the 1,960 unit number came about because it satisfies two goals, first the County <br />
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