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Table of Contents <br />1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................1 <br />2. Existing Conditions........................................................................................................................1 <br />3. Development Scenarios..............................................................................................................4 <br />4. Impact Analysis............................................................................................................................4 <br />5. Mitigation Summary and Update............................................................................................14 <br />6. AUAR Update Review................................................................................................................20 <br />List of Tables <br />Table 1: Development Scenarios ............................................... <br />Table 2: Future Land Uses Identified in the AUAR Study Area <br />Table 3: State -Listed Species Within the Review Area ............ <br />Table 4: Trip Generation Summary ............................................ <br />Table 5: 2040 Peak Hour Traffic Analysis Results ....................... <br />Table 6: Permits and Approvals Required ................................ <br />Table 7: Mitigation Measures and Status Update ................... <br />List of Figures \�- <br />Figure 1: AUAR Study Area ........................................... <br />Figure 2: Cover Types Within the AUAR Study Area .. <br />List of Attachments <br />Attachment A: Land Use and Zoning Maps <br />Attachment B: DNR Natural Heritage Review Letter (pending, to be updated when letter is <br />received) <br />Attachment C: Traffic Analysis <br />TCAAP AUAR Update <br />April 2024 <br />.4 <br />.6 <br />.9 <br />12 <br />13 <br />14 <br />16 <br />3 <br />5 <br />