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detected at concentrations greater than the risk -based screening levels, and the <br />assessment identified a need for further study in a CERCLA remedial investigation.5 <br />The US Army will continue groundwater treatment at the site until approximately 2040. No <br />additional mitigation measures are needed. <br />4.2.5. Fish, Plant Communities, and Sensitive Ecological Resources <br />A review of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Natural Heritage <br />Information System was conducted in March 2024 per license agreement LA-1074 for the <br />AUAR study area and the area within one mile. An additional three species were identified <br />in the review area: one endangered species (Henslow's sparrow), one threatened species <br />(ghost tiger beetle), and one species of special concern (regal fritillary). See Table 3 for a list <br />of all listed species within the review area. <br />Table 3: State -Listed Species Within the Review Area <br />Big brown Eptesicus <br />bat fuscus <br />Lark sparrow Chondestes <br />grammacus <br />Little brown Myotis <br />myotis lucifugus <br />Plains pocket Perognathus <br />mouse flavescens <br />Special <br />concern <br />Special <br />concern <br />Special <br />concern <br />Winter roosts are located in caves and <br />mines, though this species also regularly <br />hibernates in buildings, cellars, and tunnels. <br />Summer foraging areas are usually <br />forested habitats near water sources. <br />Warm season roosts can consist of human <br />structures such as buildings and bridges; <br />trees that are hollow, have crevices, loose <br />bark, or cavities are also used. <br />Short and/or sparse grasses (usually native) <br />in areas of sand or gravel soils, with at least <br />some bare ground and widely -scattered <br />or patchy trees <br />Winter roosts are located in caves, cellars, <br />tunnels, and other underground structures. <br />Summer habitat includes human structures <br />such as bridges, buildings, and attics as <br />well as forested habitats near water. <br />Special Open, well -drained areas, typically on <br />concern sandy soils with sparse, grassy or brushy <br />vegetation <br />5 Additional information on the US Army's preliminary assessment and site inspection is available at <br /> <br />6 Source: DNR Rare Species Guide. Available at <br />TCAAP AUAR Update 9 <br />April 2024 <br />