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Trip Generation <br />Though the development scenarios are unchanged from the 2014 AUAR, trip generation <br />was updated to reflect updates in the source data (the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) Trip <br />Generation Manual). Trip generation for this AUAR Update was based on the 1 1 ih Edition of <br />the Trip Generation Manual (published September 2021), while the 2014 AUAR traffic <br />analysis utilized the newest version available at the time (the 9th Edition). Changes in the <br />data resulted in an overall slight decrease in the number of trips anticipated to the site. A <br />comparison of the updated trip generation numbers to the trip generation numbers used in <br />the 2014 AUAR is shown below in Table 4. <br />Table 4: Trip Generation Summary <br />2014 AUAR Trip Generation <br />Zoning Scenario <br />Maximum Development <br />Scenario <br />2024 AUAR Update Trip Generation <br />Zoning Scenario <br />Maximum Development <br />Scenario <br />Capacity Analysis <br />41,550 2,130 945 3,075 1,630 2,710 4,340 <br />51,140 2,440 1,350 3,790 2,120 3,185 5,305 <br />38,048 1 2,058 1 853 1 2,911 1 1,500 1 2,541 1 4,041 <br />47,849 1 2,456 1 1,188 1 3,644 1 1,901 1 3,049 I 4,950 <br />The capacity analysis was updated to reflect new traffic counts. Due to the large amount <br />of roadway improvements that have been constructed since the 2014 AUAR traffic analysis, <br />the study area has been reduced to include only the most heavily impacted intersections. <br />The analysis was performed for weekday AM and PM peak hour conditions at the following <br />intersections: <br />• Mounds View Boulevard & County Road H (signalized) <br />• CSAH 96 & US Highway 10 Southbound (SB) Ramp (signalized) <br />• CSAH 96 & Northern Heights/TCAAP South Access (side -street stop) <br />• County Road H & 1-35W SB Ramp (roundabout) <br />• County Road H & 1-35W Northbound (NB) Ramp (roundabout) <br />Capacity analysis was carried out using Synchro 1 1 (SimTraffic) at signalized and stop - <br />controlled intersections, while analysis of roundabouts was carried out using roundabout <br />analysis software Rodel. A summary of the LOS results of the network is shown below in Table <br />5. The overall intersection LOS is reported at signalized and roundabout intersections, while <br />the worst side -street LOS is reported for side -street stop -controlled intersections. Roundabout <br />results shown below are 50% confidence level results from Rodel. Note that the baseline <br />build geometry at CSAH 96 & Northern Heights/TCAAP South Access included an installed <br />traffic signal, two southbound left turn lanes, a southbound right turn lane, a southbound <br />through lane, two eastbound left turn lanes, and a westbound right turn lane. <br />TCAAP AUAR Update 12 <br />April 2024 <br />