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Results of the 2040 Maximum Development Scenario with the discount retail superstore are <br />generally in -line with the results of the 2040 Maximum Development Scenario, with the only <br />change in LOS being at the County Road H & 1-35W NB Ramp intersection, which is <br />anticipated to operate at LOS C during the PM peak hour instead of LOS B. <br />5. Mitigation Summary and Update <br />The mitigation measures from the 2014 AUAR and 2019 AUAR Update are outlined below in <br />Table 6 and Table 7 along with a status update and any additional mitigation identified <br />based on the information in Section 4.2. <br />Table 6: Permits and Approvals Required <br />US Army Corps of <br />Section 404 Permit <br />To be applied for <br />Engineers <br />Minnesota Pollution <br />National Pollutant Discharge Elimination <br />To be applied for <br />Control Agency <br />System Stormwater Permit for Construction <br />Activities <br />Sanitary Sewer Extension Permit <br />To be applied for <br />Soil and Groundwater Remediation Plan <br />To be applied for, <br />Approval L <br />if needed <br />Section 401 Certification <br />To be applied for, <br />N_ <br />if needed <br />Minnesota Department <br />Abandonment of Water Wells <br />To be applied for <br />of Health <br />Watermain Installation Permit <br />To be applied for, <br />if needed <br />Minnesota Department <br />Groundwater Appropriation Permit <br />To be applied for, <br />of Natural Resources <br />(Construction) <br />if needed <br />Public Waters Work Permit <br />To be applied for, <br />if needed <br />Osprey Nest Removal Permit <br />To be applied for, <br />if needed <br />Minnesota Department <br />Right -of -Way Permit <br />To be applied for, <br />of Transportation <br />if needed <br />Metropolitan Council <br />2030 Comprehensive Plan Amendment <br />Completed <br />2040 Comprehensive Plan Amendment <br />Completed <br />Sanitary Sewer Extension Permit <br />To be applied for <br />Rice Creek Watershed <br />Stormwater Management, Erosion Control, <br />To be applied for <br />District <br />Floodplain Alteration, Wetland Alteration <br />Joint Development <br />Preliminary and Final Plat Approvals <br />Pending, by <br />Authority <br />Development Reviews/Approvals <br />developers <br />Ramsey County <br />Utility Permits in County Road Right -of -Way <br />To be applied for <br />Access Permits (Connection to County <br />To be applied for <br />Road) <br />Hazardous Waste Permits <br />Approved <br />TCAAP AUAR Update 14 <br />April 2024 <br />