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TABLE 13: ZONING SCENARIO (2040) BUILD DELAY AND LOS SUMMARY <br />INTERSECTION <br />TRAFFIC CONTROL <br />AM PEAK HOUR <br />PM PEAK HOUR <br />DELAY <br />(Sec/Veh) <br />LOS <br />DELAY <br />(Sec/veh) <br />LOS <br />Mounds View Boulevard & County Road H <br />Signal <br />40.0 <br />D <br />63.1 <br />E <br />CSAH 96 & US Highway 10 SB Ramp <br />Signal <br />33.0 <br />C <br />21.7 <br />C <br />CSAH 96 & Northern Heights <br />Signal <br />26.5 <br />C <br />23.2 <br />C <br />County Road H & 1-35W SB Ramp <br />Roundabout' <br />5.2 <br />A <br />4.6 <br />A <br />County Road H & 1-35W NB Ramp <br />Roundabout' <br />4.1 <br />A <br />8.5 <br />A <br />Note 1: At Roundabouts, Overall delay is reported at 85%150% confidence. Total intersection delay is reported, including bypasses. Level of service <br />is reported based on unsignalized LOS guidelines. <br />The 951h percentile queue lengths were reviewed, and NB, EB, and WB left turning movements at Mounds <br />View Boulevard & County Road H are anticipated to have 951h percentile queues that are approaching <br />their storage capacity or have through movement queues that extend beyond the turn lanes which <br />prevents vehicles from getting into the turn lane until through queues dissipate. It is not anticipated that <br />queuing at the intersection would impact adject intersections. <br />At the CSAH 96 & US Highway 10 SB Ramps, the southbound left is anticipated to see 95th percentile <br />queues exceed their storage length, but the queues are not anticipated to impact traffic along the <br />freeway. The westbound left turn lane is nearing its capacity during the AM peak hour. <br />At the south TCAAP access (CSAH 96 & Northern Heights), queueing of the added southbound approach <br />is anticipated to be sufficient with the proposed layout. <br />5.6 MAXIMUM DENSITY SCENARIO BUILD (2040) LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS <br />A capacity analysis was performed for Year 2040 Maximum Density Scenario build traffic conditions to <br />determine mitigation measures necessary to ensure acceptable LOS at the study intersections for the <br />high -end development scenario. The baseline build geometry is assumed to be in place, as is shown in <br />Exhibit 4. The analysis was performed for weekday AM and PM peak hours and is based on the traffic <br />volumes provided in Exhibit 11. These volumes were calculated by adding together the following: <br />• Design Year (2040) No -Build Traffic Volumes (Exhibit 5) <br />• Maximum Density Scenario Total Site Trips (Exhibit 8) <br />Table 14 provides a summary of the capacity analysis at the study intersections. In general, delays are <br />anticipated to be slightly higher than the Zoning Build (2040) scenario, with all intersections continuing to <br />operate at LOS D or better with the exception of the aforementioned Mounds View Boulevard & County <br />Road H intersection which is anticipated to continue to operate at LOS E during the PM peak hour. <br />TCAAP AUAR Update I Traffic Analysis <br />April 2024 <br />