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<br /> . <br /> . Stephen L. Nelson <br /> 3475 Siems Cou...t <br /> A...den Hi lls, MN 55112 <br /> Home: 636-0414 <br /> Wo...k: 646-5000 <br /> Fax: 646-6504 <br /> June 17, 1993 <br /> Ms. Do...othy Pe...son, Administ...ato... <br /> City of A...den Hills <br /> 1450 W. Highway 96 <br /> A...den Hi lls, MN 55112 <br /> ...e: Application fo... Relocation of Sewe... Easement and Sewe... Line <br /> on p...ope...ty at 3280 Sandeen Rd_ <br /> Dea... Ms. Pe...son, <br /> I would like to thaDk you, all of the othe... city staff <br /> membe...s and the city's outside cODsultants fo... taking the time to <br /> meet with us ...ega...ding my sewe... p...oject. You and the othe... <br /> people at the meeting did aD excellent job keeping us focused on <br /> the issues. <br /> . It's unfo...tuDate that M.... Klawite... did not make his position <br /> clea... in the beginning so that we could have minimized all of our <br /> time as well as thei... time. If he wasn't open to discuss the <br /> issues, I am sti 11 trying to figu...e out why he even attended the <br /> meeting. I apologize that it ended up beiDg a waste of <br /> eve...yone's time and that it took all of yoU away your <br /> families. I had beeD hopeful that it would be a cODst...uctive <br /> meeting. <br /> At the planniDg commissioD meeting on JUDe 2, 1993, a <br /> ...eference was made by M.... Klawite... and anothe... neighbo... about a <br /> 1 et te... that I had sent to all of the neighbo...s except M... . <br /> Klawiter. After calling neighbors and stopping at <br /> several homes to get names to go with the addresses, it became <br /> evident to me that the neighbo...s who we...e not di rectl y involved <br /> would all be conce...ned about exactly what was going to happeD aDd <br /> how it would affect them. In light of this conce...n exp...essed by <br /> people, I p...epared a lette... and mailed it to the <br /> Deighbors to hopefully minimize any conce...ns that might be ...aised <br /> by a brief notice aDd to try and explaiD my ...equest. M.... & M...s. <br /> Klawiter did not receive a COpy because they al...eady had received <br /> information about my proposal and plans to go to the city. A <br /> copy of the letter is enclosed. This lette... was mailed the <br /> weeKend before I delive...ed the address labels to Jackie so that <br /> everyone should have received the letter before the city notice. <br /> . <br /> I am sure you are wondering why I am bringing this up aDd <br /> providing you with a COpy, First. I unde...stand that the Mr. <br /> - ------- <br />