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<br /> . In 1994, the RTB will be updating and revising the Five-Year Transit Plan. This <br /> plan contains the details for transit service delivery improvements over the next <br /> five years. Many of the improvements would enhance suburban services. Much . <br /> of the service improvements will not be able to be implemented without dollars <br /> appropriated for new services. Communities are encouraged to offer their ideas as <br /> the updated Five-Year Transit Plan is developed later this year. In the spring, we <br /> will be inviting you to meetings to discuss the plan update and get your ideas and <br /> assessment of your transit services prior to a draft plan being developed. <br /> Attached for your information is a summary report on the RTB's 1994 legislative <br /> initiatives. You may wish to keep this information available at your city offices to use for <br /> further reference. If you desire more detailed information on how we evaluated our <br /> funding needs, please call me and I can provide it for you. <br /> In late December, the Governor app0inted a new RTB Chair. Sally Evert, of Stillwater, <br /> was named to the post. She has served for several years as a Washington County <br /> Commissioner and as Chair of the Transportation Advisory Board of the Metropolitan <br /> Council. Her public officials' background makes her very knowledgeable to the benefits <br /> for local governmental units to cooperatively work toward solutions to our regional <br /> transportation needs and is personally very committed to working toward meeting the <br /> transportation needs of our region. <br /> To attain our transit objectives will require additional funding and support from the <br /> legislature. I urge you to discuss transit needs as they impact your community with your <br /> city councils and county b.oards. In doing so, please encourage your elected officials to <br /> contact the state legislators from your community to bring them up to date on your <br /> community's transit needs and to impress upon them the need for additional monies to put <br /> future transit service into reality. Transit will never be able to make significant . <br /> improvements to its service without your assistance in communicating the importance of <br /> transit to our state officials. <br /> , Finally, again this year, I hope to be able to visit with you and further discuss specific <br /> transit issues in your community. If any of you wish to schedule such a meeting over the <br /> next few months, please call me at 292-8789. Otherwise, I will be contacting you to <br /> schedule some time to meet with you in the near future. Please do not hesitate to use me <br /> as your transit contact whenever issues pertaining to transit arise. <br /> . <br />