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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — APRIL 22, 2024 2 <br />Rachel Haase, Kimley Horn, provided the Council with a summary on the draft TCAAP AUAR. <br />She explained an AUAR was a hybrid of an environmental assessment worksheet and <br />environmental impact statement. She stated what makes an AUAR was that an AUAR evaluates <br />development scenarios versus a specific development proposal. She reported an AUAR was a <br />planning tool that could help the City understand how different developmental scenarios will <br />affect the environment of the community so the City can identify potential impacts and mitigation <br />strategies. She explained AUAR's must be completed every five years until all development in <br />the area has been approved. She provided an overview of the historical AUAR's which were <br />completed in 2014 and 2019. She noted the study covered five major intersections which included <br />Mounds View Boulevard and County Road H, CSAH 96 and US Highway 10, CSAH 96 and <br />Northern Heights, County Road H and I-35W SB ramp and County Road H & I-35W NB ramp. <br />She reported the AUAR evaluated a variation of the maximum development scenario with a <br />discount retail superstore. <br />Ms. Haase commented on the differences between the traffic analyses between the 2024 AUAR <br />and the County's traffic study. She explained different intersections were studied and the studies <br />had different horizon years (2030 versus 2040). She reported overall, the two traffic analyses' <br />findings were consistent. The trip generation results were reviewed with the Council. <br />Councilmember Holden asked if the trip generation numbers included the big box retail. <br />Jacob Rojer, Kimley Horn, stated this was included in a separate scenario and would bring the <br />maximum daily trips up to 50,000. <br />Ms. Haase reviewed the capacity analysis findings with the Council. She reported Mounds View <br />Boulevard and County Road H would operate at Level E during the PM peak hour under both <br />development scenarios. She explained all other intersections that were evaluated would operate at <br />Level C or better under both development scenarios, including the maximum development <br />scenario with the discount retail superstore. <br />Mayor Grant asked if there was a concern with any of the turning movements. <br />Mr. Rojer reported several of the minor turning movements had a lower rating, but the overall <br />intersection as a whole would operate properly. He stated with only one movement at a Level F, <br />he would not be proposing mitigation measures. <br />Councilmember Monson recalled from the Ramsey County traffic study presentation that one <br />left hand turn had an F rating. She asked if the AUAR would identify the Level F areas within an <br />intersection. <br />Mr. Rojer indicated this would be identified within the AUAR. <br />Councilmember Holden questioned how many of the intersections were categorized at a Level <br />C. She was of the opinion the City should not be happy with a Level C when there were <br />opportunities to make things better with this new development. <br />Mr. Rojer stated building appropriate infrastructure would be the key to supporting this <br />development. He indicated expanding Highway 96 to six or eight lanes would assist with <br />