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<br />, <br /> CITY OF 1IRDEN HILLS <br />. MEMlRl\NI:O! <br /> DATE: A1Jgust 2, 1994 <br /> TO: Dorothy Person, City Administrator <br /> FR(J( : Brian Fritsinger, Camlmity PlaIm:ing ~~ <br /> SUBJEX:T : M::C1ung 4th Addition DeveloplVi!Ilt Agreement <br /> Attached you will find the Proposed Developrent Agreerrent for M:::Cl.ung <br /> Fourth Addition. The agreement attempts to address those items <br /> discussed with the City Council during previous rreetings. <br /> Sale of the key carp::>nents of this agreement are as follows: <br /> l. Section 3.11 provides an option to Mr. McClung as to the <br /> required se=ity for the project. The developer ll'aY provide to <br /> the City 125% of the costs of the irrprovements as indicated <br /> within the agreement or corwey to the City by wa=anty deed, fee <br /> title to lots 1 & 2. <br />. If the developer intends to convey lots 1 & 2, language has been <br /> included where the City 1M:lUld re-corrvey the lots UfXJIl canpletion <br /> of the te:tTllS of the agreerrent and that the arrount of se=ity <br /> =uld be reduced as the irrproverrents are =nstructed and <br /> accepted. <br /> 2. Section 3.10 indicates that no hares ll'aY be =cupied until <br /> the City Engineer has issued a letter of substantial canpletion <br /> for the project. <br /> 3. section 3.3 requires the developer to ll'aintain the streets <br /> during the winter, if necessary, until the City provides final <br /> acceptance. <br /> This agreement is similar to that utilized by the City in previous <br /> subdivisions . The one area of change is in the se=ity. The City <br /> attorney has reviewed this document and has indicated that eveJ:Yt.hing <br /> is in order. <br /> Staff would recarmend that the City Council review and approve the <br /> develop:rent agreerrent as proposed. '!he Council ll'aY also wish to <br />. fonrall y accept the park dedication of 18, 037 Sq. Feet which is <br /> identified on the siteplan previously adopted by the City Council. <br />