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<br />. MILLER & HOLBROOKE INFORMATION SERVICES U~date i <br /> , <br />DOCUMENTING LOCAL GOVERNMENT CABLE AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS ISSUES <br />Volume 2 No.7 August 1994 <br /> SENATE COMMITTEE MARKS-UP S.1822 <br />INSIDE AND MAITERS GO FROM BAD TO WORSE <br /> FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENTS <br />Feature Article: <br />+Senate Mark-up of S. 1822 On August 11, 1994, the Senate Committee on Commerce, <br />At The FCC: Science and Transportation adopted a dramatically revised <br /> version of S. 1822, the Communications Act of 1994. From <br />+Orde" Issuod 00 Exclusivity Roqut:Sts the perspective of state and local franchising authorities, the <br />+ Program Acc<:ss Provisions Broadenod <br />+ EfT""tiv.compotitionPIo:adingG uidline, revised bill includes the worst features of H.R. 3626, the <br />+New Iersoy Grantod Video Dialtone companion legislation adopted by the full House on June 28 <br />+ New Rate Regulation Survey (see article in June/July issue of Update), plus additional <br />+ FCC Reorganization provisions that are also inimical to the interests, authority and <br />+Cable Form 393 Spreadsh..t Available responsibility of local governments. <br />Special Report: As originally introduced, S. 1822 recognized local franchising <br />+ u.S. West Cable Acquisitioo <br /> authority over providers of cable services, including telephone <br />Documents: companies, and respected the right to receive fair <br />+ FCC Order 00 Program Access compensation for commercial use of public rights-of-way. <br />+ FCC Order on EfT""tive Competition (See February Update for article on the introduction ofS. <br />+FCC Report on Rate Regulation Survey 1822.) The Committee, however, "turned the bill on its head," <br />+Cable Form 393 Press Releases <br /> in the words of the National League of Cities. S. 1822 now <br /> mandates the taking ofIocal government property without <br /> compensation, removes local government control over the use <br />and disruption of public rights-of-way, potentially reduces the revenue base on which cable operators <br />are required to pay franchise fees, prohibits franchising of competitors to cable systems, and potentially <br />threatens the ability of local governments to obtain institutional networks for their own use and local <br />school use. <br />At the Committee mark-up, only Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R-TX), the junior member of the <br />Senate, expressed concern about the impact of S. 1822 on the authority of local governments to control <br />their rights-of-way and to receive fair compensation for its use_ Senator Hutchinson is working with <br />local government organizations in an attempt to amend these provisions. <br />Miller & Holbrooke Informalion Services, Inc. 1225 19th Street, NW Washington, DC 10036 (:01)785-8817 <br />. Copyright 1994, MiU... ol Holbtoo..lnf""""tiOR Sorvia:s, too., WuhingtoR. D.C AU righ"_ <br />