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<br />. , <br /> CITY OF ARDEN HILlS <br />I MEM>Rl\ND(I,I <br /> '10: Mayor and Councilmelrbers 9! <br /> FRCM: Dorothy A. Person, City 1ldm:ini.strator <br /> DA:l'E : Septeuber 30, 1994 <br /> SUBJECT : Administrator Calments for Week of Sept. 26, 1994 <br /> I. DEPAR'IMENI' tJPDA'IFS: <br /> A. Public Works <br /> 1. 1994 Street Paverrent Prcgram <br /> a. Keithson Road - The base to be paved by late <br /> next week or early the week of Oct. 10 if the weather <br /> ooIds. <br /> b. Bussard Court - Hareowners have cane to tenns with <br /> the City regarding driveway slopes. !bug Hanson of <br /> 1462 Bussard Court, has contacted the City stating <br /> that their J::oat hitch hits the street. Dan has been <br />, in contact with the hcrrea.mer. <br /> 2. Stann Water 1\ppeal Possibilities: The following businesses <br /> are in the "infonnation gathering" stage. <br /> a. MSI <br /> b. Land 0' Lakes <br /> c. Bethel College <br /> 3. Utility Readings: As of today, these readings are 98% <br /> carpleted. <br /> 4. REMINDER' Saturday, Oct. 1 is Fall Clean-up Day at <br /> SOOreview . <br /> 5. Street Signs - New signs for Old Snelling and Keithson <br /> Drive have been ordered to replace the rusty ones. <br /> B. Parks and Recreation <br /> 1. Valentine Park Update: <br /> a. Parking SUrface - The parking lot should be <br /> asphalted by the end of next week. <br /> b. Ballpark - Work here is carpleted. <br />- <br />-. 1 <br />