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<br /> ~ ~ IUPd 6d: S"/99<, <br /> ,. J <br /> . -~ ... -- <br /> A{t.fe n Hills <br /> Mayor, council races begin 'ICAAP <br /> Interim Mayor Dennis Probst and Council <br /> Member Beverly Aplikowski are rmning for mayor .Plant gives new life to water . <br /> of Arllen Hills. <br /> Probst, wbo had been on tbe council, was <br /> appointed to the mayor's seat after Tom SaLber ll'Tt;WBRIGHTON ...1 .Our immediate response was to ensure we <br /> stepped down from Ibat position JIIIle 30 due to a <br /> change in residency. The council chose to leave had an adequate supply of clean water. Once <br /> Probst's council seat vacant untillbe Nov. 8 election. that goal was met through congressional action <br /> Six candidaIes are vying for Probst's former seat Representatives from the cities and a negotiated settlement with the U.S. <br /> and the one held by Dale Hides on the Arden Hills of New Brighton and Fridley. Army, attention turned to the long-term <br /> Amant Techsystems, the Dcpon- <br /> City Council: incumbent Dale Hicks, Susan Keirn, R. 'ment of the Army, me Minnesota. challenge of aquifer clean up.. <br /> James (Jamie) Jensen1t. Steve Freimuth, Raymond -Pollution Control Agency, the <br /> McGraw and Michael Coopet. -Minnesota Depanmenl of Health Mayor Bob Benke <br /> The Arden Hills-Sboreview League of Women and the. U.S. Environmenul <br /> Voters is sponsoring an Arden Hills candidates' ,Pro[cction Agency on Sept. 26 <br /> dedicated a new water ucaunent <br /> meeting on 1'bur:sday, Oct 27, at 7 pm. at the New facilily that guaranrees New Bright. was tractd to solventS used 10 '"The PGRS is possible, l>ecau< <br /> BrighlOll City Hall at 803 Sib Ave. N.W. on and Fridley a clean. SOIfe and produce munitions from the mid city, state and federal interest <br /> ... l1bundant wartr supply for decades 19-40s ..nil the !ale 1960s. Although merged wilillile oongruem desire l <br /> . ID oomc:. Jegal and common at the rime. the the privale =ur ID fll1d a soiulic <br /> The Plume GroundwalOt Recov. disposal mclilods used by TCAAP rather than point fingers. Precio~ <br /> Team building. .. cry Sysr= (PGRS),locared in New and the oontraCIDJ'$ who produced groundwarer is now being put to.. <br /> . Brighton. cleanses from the ammunition there, including A1li3nt pnxIuctive use while IiIc long-tern: <br /> ;: Prnirie du Olicn aquifer beneath 1he Techsystems. cODlamicated the aquiferclcanup procccds.. <br /> ~ consultant reports "2,370-0cre Twin City Army Prnirie Du Olien aquifer, the >OIlrCC Fridley mayor Will",", Nee sail' <br /> Ammunition Plant and pumps it of New Brighton., drinking Waler. "It is to the ~t of all involVe( <br /> 'through an underground waler that inslead of sponding the mane: <br /> Tbe Arden Hills City Council will meet on .'Sys1em ID New Brighton and Fridley BECAUSE OF THE critical in a court room, it was used ,t <br /> Wednesday, Oct. 5, at 6 p.m. at McGuire's hm & - n:sidcnls. ri:unre of the problem, 1he city of design and implement a cleanUf <br /> The PGRS cleanses the W3ler by New Brightoo _y acated solution. <br /> Resiaurnnt, 1201 W. County Rood E, to hear a thaft . sending it through lilree pairs of alternative sourtl$ of drinking..-ale' In addition 1ll the twO treatmen. <br /> of a report from Tom Fiulllk, a consullanl from the . pressurized vessels containing and srarraI worldng towanl 0 loog. facilities. the: t:Onsuuclion projec <br /> University of Minnesota. As part of a year-long 120,000 pounds of granular aaivat. tem1 solution to Ulc po1luti.oo of the includes a tW'{)oomile undcr~groum.. <br /> team-building elfCl1, FlUtalc was hired by the city to cd carbon to -remove potentially:, aquifer. ; AJliant pipeline coonecting New Brigh!O" <br /> give an. objective report on how to improve staff- harmful solvents. Whi1e the W3ler is Techsystems, therr_a.division of and Fridley's water S}'SlClIIS ana':! <br /> completely safe after fHtcring Honeywell, agreed to build and booster stUion that a1Iows Fridley '" <br /> management relationships. tIuough the first vessel of each pair, opcrale twO W3ler treatment plants share in CJ:cess water from. -the <br /> The public is invited to attend Ibis meeting or it posses tIuough die socond vessel capable of removing the solvent aquifer. " <br /> send written commentS to Arden Hills City Hail, to ensure maximum quality. The &om eight mill"" gallons of W3ler A well mooitoring sys.... alsc <br /> 1450 W. Highway %, Alden Hills, Minn. 55112. ~ is alsc filten:d ID remove iron per day. was complered cadicr litis summer. <br /> ... : and manganese~ disinfe.cted and New Brighton Mayor Raben With the I'!PrlloNlltinfl of the Plume <br /> . Oouridatcd. Benke said the dedication marks GroundW3ler Rc::overy System. the <br /> another key milestone in a long second plant to come on line. the <br /> Open house THE PGRS marks the near journey that began in 19SI, when JXOject is near completion, save for <br /> completjon of a nine. year. 514 the community first learned dw its additional weDs to contain conl3mi- <br /> million W3ler pmifiCItion JXOjcct. 10 water W3S c:ontuninated. nonlS and 0 filter $}'SL'lIl that will be <br /> Fire department to show off a collaborative effort. the cities of "Our immediale rosponse was ID installed in the r11'St plant in we <br /> .. New Brighron and Fridley, Alliant ensure .., had an adequate supply oomingyear; <br /> The Lake Johanna Volunteer FIJ'e Department T<dIsyslems. the Deportment of the of clean waJOr," said Benke. "Onco <br /> will hold irs eighth annual qlen house Monday, Oct. Army, the Minnesota Pollution dw goal was met l!uougb <XJll!ll1'S' NOT ONLY WILL liIe water <br /> 10, at Station No. 1 in Arden Hills and Wednesday, ~ canuol Agency. the Minnesota sIonal actioo and a negotiated ;Calc. purification system produce clean <br /> ',~ bepamnent of HealliI and the U.s. ment wilil the U.s. Anny, aaention water. it also will reduce energy <br /> Oct. 12, at Station No.2 in Sbaeview. ': Environmental ProteCtion Agency turned " the loos.term ch3l1enge of COStS. Fridley expects to save :1bout <br /> The open house will feawre fire suppression and .' :Undertook the remediation of New aquifer dcall up. 530.000 annually 1n electric COSts <br /> rescue equipment, a DARE exbibit from the Ramsey ~~J3;righton's drinking water and, "Wilh the PGRS, we now have bec3.use its well pumps wiD have 10 <br /> County Sheriff's Department, fire safety videos for .: :Ultimarely. improved distribution of in place a key component of the workfeIJ.'el"hoors.. <br /> kids. snacks and beverages and moo:. . W"...ID Fridley residents. solution. The PGRS ~ more th:ln a <br /> Both open houses are scbeduled fa 6::JO.9 p.m. In ttJe early 19805. the solvent lO:hnicaJ accomplishment that New The cost of the project, includ. <br /> ~ :trichloroethylene was discovered in Brightoo Public 'AAlrI:s Din:ctor Les ing conSttUCUon and operation, is <br /> .~on No. 1 is on New Brighton Road in Arden ~ the groWld water around the Twin Proper and other e~perts can be being p:lid by the Arn1y :md Aili:mt <br /> . , a quaner of a mile north of County Road D. ::Cilies Army Ammunition Plant proud of, Benke said. It is also an Techsystems. The cities of New <br /> S1ation No. 2 is at the comer of COWlty Road I and ::(TCAAP) :md in New Brighton', e.xample of how major public Brighton and Fridley are providing <br /> Lexington Avenue in Shoreview. : :drinking water. The cootlmination problem, can and shooid be solved. the personnel" ope:are the plants. <br /> ... <br />