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03-27-24 EDC Minutes
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EDC Minutes
03-27-24 EDC Minutes
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ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION – MARCH 27, 2024 4 <br />Commissioner Gronquist said yes, it could be for residents and businesses to go to for what is <br />happening. She noted the current City newsletter generally was about one business and is once a <br />month. She said it would be nice to have a dynamic webpage that people are directed to. <br /> <br />Community Development Director Jagoe stated she would like to get the group’s direction as a <br />whole. She noted she didn’t want staff pivoting to working on the website, and then come back <br />and do a brochure and so on. She said the goal of the work plan was for the EDC to identify the <br />communication strategies it wanted, for example a newsletter, website page, and survey, and then <br />to give prioritization to those items. She indicated the Commissioners could sub-assign certain <br />tasks to themselves and then staff could identify what they need to achieve the items. She reiterated <br />the goal here was to determine the framework of where the EDC wants to go. <br /> <br />Commissioner Murchie said a lot of the activities are largely dependent on the platform or <br />distribution channel and he wanted to hear from the business leaders what the biggest gap is. He <br />asked Commissioner Brausen what he meant by getting to it. <br /> <br />Commissioner Brausen said he wants to get to communicating with the other businesses and <br />suggested inviting businesses to an EDC meeting to let them say what they want. He noted <br />everyone’s vision is different and personally he’s been in the city too long so he’s seen the good <br />and the bad. He thinks the best thing is to invite people to a meeting and see what they say. He <br />thinks the website can be improved and is a great tool. He suggested a few more emails to all <br />businesses. He didn’t know if sending out a survey would work. <br /> <br />Commissioner Subramanian stated that from a student perspective and someone who spends <br />most of their time online, having a webpage should be one of the biggest priorities because if you <br />create a website and then are able to market it really well, everyone will use it. She discussed her <br />ideas for what the information could include. <br /> <br />Commissioner Bonine said a beautiful website can be built but if traffic is not being driven to it <br />and you’re not understanding who your audience is, then it’s an ego thing. He said they do it in his <br />business just to say they have it, but they do not drive traffic to it. He wanted to know what the ask <br />was, why are we sending people to the website and how are we going to do that. He suggested the <br />group have a conversation about what tools the City already has for social media. He said they <br />should know what the City was already using to promote existing information, who would be <br />managing the information, and what is the process to get something approved or promoted. He <br />suggested a top priority could be a website but noted this would need a solid plan on how to <br />promote it. He said once this is accomplished this could then be brought back to staff with <br />priorities. <br /> <br />Commissioner Gronquist stated she agrees but would like a separate survey for all businesses. <br /> <br />Senior Planner Fransen stated there was recently an at-will survey of the recipients of the City’s <br />newsletter about what social media platforms they use, do they read the newsletter and so forth. <br />She said the group could possibly draw on that data as well. <br /> <br />A discussion ensued about a survey, other options for baseline items that should be offered to <br />businesses and what currently is available on the City’s website. <br />
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