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CCP 10-31-1994
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CCP 10-31-1994
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<br /> . <br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - SEPTEMBER 26, 1994 8 . <br /> Mr. Oleg Gregoret, 950 Lombard Avenue, St. Paul, stated that he is the architect for the <br /> congregation and Chairman of the Building Committee. At the present time there are 80 families in <br /> the church. They are counting heavily on this new church to attract members from two other <br /> congregations in the Twin Cities. The church is designed for 150 seats and a parish hall for 300 <br /> people. The greatest number of people estimated to be on site at anyone time is 300. <br /> Hicks stated that he would like to see more elevation on the opposite side of the courtyard. <br /> Mr. Gregoret stated that the church is designed with a hemispherical dome with half of a wall. <br /> Hicks asked the applicant's reaction to the recommendations made by Ramsey County. <br /> Mr, Buhajenko stated that this is the first time they have seen the report. The church's position is <br /> that access from TH. 96 is necessary for people coming from St. Paul or Minneapolis on 1.35W that <br /> then would come down TH. 96 and would be able to make a right turn into the church. They would <br /> be leaving on Old Snelling or by a right turn onto TH. 96. Church officials have not been counting <br /> on the median cut being available to the church in the future. <br /> Hicks asked how many private residences are located on the east side of Old Snelling Avenue . <br /> adjacent to this property. <br /> Fritsinger answered that there are only two or three and are located on large lots. . <br /> Hicks stated that the county engineer's recommendations are to minimize the impact of traffic. <br /> MNiDOT and county representatives have initially looked at the site, but no final recommendations <br /> have been given, only their initial reactions. The main thing is to keep traffic away from the Highway <br /> 96 intersection. <br /> Aplikowski stated that she does not see any problem with the original design using the present curb <br /> cuts. Any place one goes to church is in a residential area. She can see the benefit of using the access <br /> from TH. 96 and would hope it can be worked out. <br /> MOTION: Hicks moved and Malone seconded a motion to approve Case No. 94.22, Site Plan <br /> Review and Lot Consolidation for the Ukrainian Church, and special use permit, subject to the nine <br /> points stated in the Planning Commission minutes, dated September 7, 1994, <br /> Discussion: Mayor Probst stated that the right-of-way exists currently and the Planning <br /> Commission is encouraging the applicant to pursue the release of that right-of-way to become part <br /> of the church property. <br /> Hicks agreed to withdraw that condition as part of the motion. <br /> The motion was unanimously approved (4-0). , <br />
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