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<br /> , <br /> . (f) Nuisance shall mean any doa which habitually or <br /> fr~~lentlv barks or crvs. fre~lents schoolgrounds: ];larks <br /> or ];>ublic beaches: chases vehicles: molests or annoys anv <br /> person awav from the pro];>ertv: is repeatedlv at larae: or <br /> attacks other animals. <br /> (g) Local Animal Control Officer shall mean any person <br /> employed or contracted by the City for the ournose of <br /> aiding in the enforcement of this ordinance relatina to <br /> the licensing, welfare and control of doas: or the city's <br /> (h) l~W ;nfo~~~e~ ~ge~~. /aof <br /> ~is~a~:~ w' ~ lram i : @ a~: :::~; ~::e:::n w~~~~d m:~ <br /> create a ];>ublic safety risk. <br /> (i) Domestic animal means any doa or cat. <br /> (j ) wild or exotic animal means any mammal, amphibian, <br /> reptile or bird which is of a species not usually <br /> domesticated and of a species which, due to size, wild <br /> nature or other characteristics is dangerous to humans <br /> and would ordinarily be confined in a zoo or found in the <br /> wild The term includes animals and birds, the keeping <br /> of which is licensed by the state or federal government, <br /> . such as wolves, raptors and pheasants. By way of example <br /> and not of limitation, the term includes: snakes, eagles, <br /> ocelots, jaguars, cougars, weasels, wild ferrets, <br /> badgers, monkeys, chimpanzees, deer and bison. The term <br /> also includes crossbreeds such as the cross between dogs <br /> and coyotes and dogs and wolves. Examples include but <br /> are not limited to: <br /> (1) Any large cat of the family Felidae, such as lionsl <br /> tigers, jaguars, leopards, cougars and ocelots, <br /> except commonly accepted domesticated house cats. <br /> (2) Any member of the family Canidae, such as wolves, <br /> coyotes, dingoes, and jackals, except domesticated <br /> dogs. <br /> (3) Any crossbreed such as crossbreeds between dogs and <br /> coyotes, or dogs and wolves, but does not include <br /> crossbred domesticated animals. <br /> (4) Any poisonous snake such as a rattlesnake, coral <br /> . snake, water moccasin, puff adder or cobra. <br />