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<br /> SEC. 5.5-4. OWNER TO PREVENT NUISANCES. The owner or <br /> . custodian of any dog shall prevent the dog from committing in the <br /> City any act which constitutes a nuisance. It io a nui.:Ja.acc. :Eer <br /> ar...) do!3' tc habitually or frequently ear]!: or cry at night, to <br /> frequent ~.:::h.:Jal ~TC:Una~ , parka cr pu:61i:: Beaches, to chase <br /> 7chicl::iJ, t:J meleat ar annoy an) J?croe:a a'i.lay frem the 15rel?crty of <br /> fli.sJ/h~1.- ~:)\;ncr or custodiaE, or te da.mage! dctile. :JY acat:r;ey pulelic <br /> cr privat::: pY3pcrty. railur::: of the 5't.J'ncr Dr cuotee1i.:~n~ of a ao~ to <br /> pre ,'ent the clo~ from committing ouch a auioG.nCc. 13 ~ ~iolatioa af <br /> thia ch.J.ptc.r [,Or "this C:::dc.lI or II thio cli -I,-ision It] . <br /> SEC. 5.5-5. HABITUAL HOWLING AND BARKING DOGS UNLAWFUL. <br /> An owner havino custodv and/or control of a doo shall prevent it <br /> from No peraor. ahall keep, haybcr or mai~tain a.t an) place ..ithin <br /> tLc. City G.fiY animal ,;hich B) ita barking, howling, whining, or <br /> making other noises which unreasonably disturbs the peace and quiet <br /> of any person. iR the . (Ora.. Ue. 29S, :0 20 91 ) <br /> The phrase "unreasonably disturb the peace and quiet" shall <br /> include, but is not limited to, the creation of any noise by any <br /> animals which can be heard by any person, including a law <br /> enforcement officer or animal control officer, from a location <br /> . outside of the building or premises where the animal is being kept <br /> and which animal noise occurs repeatedly over a five minute period <br /> of time with one minute or less lapse of time between each animal <br /> noise during the five minute period. <br /> SEC. 5.5-6. DIO=~Or:D OR VICIOUS DOGS. No pCIB5fl owner shall <br /> keen a dog which has or :Juf::c.r to be lccflt :In pJ.:c.miElc:J by <br /> him or pc:r::mit oJ::: "uffer to run at lar3"c, Uh) diB2:.aocd do~ 31:" any <br /> dog 0:: a ferocious or vicious character, habit or disposition. <br /> SEC. 5.5-7. DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN DOGS. <br /> (a) Upon sworn complaint tD tl1.c af'f'ropriate court that any <br /> one of the following facts exist; <br /> (1) That any dog at any time has destroyed property or <br /> habitually trespasses in a damaging manner on the <br /> property of persons other than the owner; <br /> (2) That any dog at any time has attacked or bitten a <br /> person outside the owner's or custodian'S premises; <br /> . <br />