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<br /> SEC. 5.5-65. REDEMPTION BY PERSON OTHER THAN OWNER. If the . <br /> owner of any 'domestic animal impounded under this division shall <br /> fail to redeem such domestic animal within five (5) regular <br /> business days after its impoundment, not including Sunday or <br /> holidays, any other person may, upon complying with the provision <br /> of this division, redeem the domestic animal from the pound and be <br /> the lawful owner of the domestic animal thereafter. If the <br /> domestic animal has been requested by a licensed educational or <br /> scientific institution under Section 35.71 of Minnesota Statutes, <br /> then it shall be given to the institution and shall not be sold. <br /> (Ord. No. 198, 9, 6-27-77) <br /> SEC. 5.5-66. DISPOSITION OF UNREDEEMED DOMESTIC ANIMALS. All <br /> domestic animals impounded under this division which have not been <br /> redeemed or purchased as authorized in this section may be disposed <br /> of in a humane manner by the poundkeeper or any police officer. <br /> (Ord. No. 198, 9, 6-27-77) <br /> SEC. 5.5-67. INTERFERENCE WITH OFFICERS. It shall be unlawful <br /> for any unauthorized person to break open the pound or to attempt <br /> to do so, or to take or let out any domestic animal therefrom, or <br /> to take or attempt to take from any officer any domestic animal . <br /> taken by him/her in compliance with this Chapter, or in any manner <br /> to interfere with or hinder such officer in the discharge of <br /> his/her duties under this Chapter. (Ord. No. 198, 10, 6-27-77) <br /> l.RTI CLE 7. :,GJHN:OL.::J <br /> SeCTION S 7C. rERlHT RCOUIRCD. It Clhall be ur'lla'.lful for an} <br /> ]?cJ.:oan to operate a dog Ju:.nnc.l in tL<:. City '..ithout first l'la7ing <br /> Dbtain~d a kennel permit. The r-...61ik:.r of a J:.cnn<:l }?crmit ahall <br /> fl.:Jt be r:::quirt.d to register each individual acg in aaid <br /> h:cnp..::.l . (Orci. N.:;. 190, 1C, C 27 77) <br /> SIJC'I'IOn :; 77. :JUH...""..TIOn; tlONTR. "IllOreRl,D ILIT': . Ke:r..n.::l <br /> Clhall be fox a l?CI:i6a of one. calendar year or for the ~ertion of <br /> the calendar year follm;ing the date of tLc:. 6l.pplicatiaa, ana <br /> ohall be nontranaferable. (Ord. No. 190, Ie, C 27 77) <br /> CEC'I' 1 on S 70. 's'I'7\UDl.RDS FOR I:JOUMJCIJ . No h:cnn~l pc-rmit. <br /> ;]1...61.11 be. i:Joucd unlcZlD at the t.iffiC application :'.3 marl.:: the: C..ner:J <br /> of pY Q13<:.rt} acl.joinin~ ':.hc. a~plicant'a l?re}?c:.rtl sRall hay::. <br /> conoented in ',;r i t ing to Clueh U.:JC, fler ohall a Jrennel permit Be . <br /> iCl23Uc.a uI..til after tRe pr::.m.i.cJcs ::hc ~tcnn::.l iCl to :Be:. locat.:::.d <br />