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<br />1 994 - 1996 MARKETING AND . <br />COMMUNICATIONS <br />................. ..-........--.-..................... ...... ......h..............._................_................................ ......._..._....... ............._....... .... ........ <br />PURPOSE STRATEGIES ............. <br />- Enhance the image of the Metro = Enlist lOp corporate and political <br />- <br /> East area as a place to locate and leaders 10 become more highly <br /> grow successful business ventures. visible in their support of and par- <br />- Improve communication with and ticipation in MEDP and its pro- <br />- <br /> among members and stakeholders grams. <br /> related to available program. ser. - Develop and distribute regular <br /> vices and important development MEDP newsletter 10 communicate <br /> lssues. activities and successes to mem- <br />- Obtain MEDP recognition as an bers and stakeholders. <br />- <br /> important player in resolving busi- = Conduct periodic infonnational <br /> ness development issues. meetings with key members and <br /> stakeholders. <br />OBJECTIVES = Develop comprehensive, consis- <br />= To communicate the advantages of tent advenising campaign to pro- ...................................... <br /> mOle strengths of Metro East as a <br /> a Metro East location to current business location. <br /> and prospective businesses. <br />- To increase the member/stakehold- CLIENT BENEFITS <br />- <br /> er urilization of MEDP programs. = Increased utilization of MEDP <br />- To create an awareness among the programs and services. <br /> Twin Cities community of the pos- = Enhanced knowledge of Metro <br /> itive attributes of the Metro East East area as a business location. <br /> area, = Increased ability to meet develop- <br /> ment related needs through access <br />TAR(;ET to MEDP. <br />- Business considering <br />- <br /> re I ocat ions/ex pans ion s. MEASUREMENT <br />- Business development community. = Track inquiries generated from ad <br />- <br />- Enhanced image of Metro East placement. <br />- <br /> area from business development = 80 article placements by 1996. <br /> standpoint. <br /> .......... <br /> 9 <br />METRO EAST DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP THREE.YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN <br />