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<br /> . <br /> . <br /> ARDEN HI~LS CITY COUNCIL . OCTOB~R 31.....1 994 5 <br /> . <br /> There are substantial changes to the layout and language of the ordinance <br /> as recommended by the City Attorney, These changes do not alter the <br /> intent of the ordinance. <br /> Planning Coordinator Fritsinger noted some specific changes to the ordinance. Planning <br /> Coordinator Fritsinger indicated under Section 5.5-6 the changes are to remain and not <br /> be deleted. <br /> Planning Coordinator Fritsinger indicated under Section 5.5-20 item C should be added. <br /> stating: No person shall construct a commercial or residential dog kennel without first <br /> obtaininll a license. <br /> Councilmember Hicks clarified adopting Ordinance 300, deletes Chapter 5 and replaces <br /> it with modified Chapter 5.5. Planning Coordinator Fritsinger indicated this to be true. <br /> MOTION: Hicl(S moved and Malone seconded a motion to approve adoption of <br /> Ordinance #300; Regulation of Dogs, Cats and Wild Animals. <br /> . Dr. Jerome Vanek, M.S., D.V.M., wished at this time to comment regarding the <br /> ordinance. Dr. Vanek indicated he has been involved in designing a model ordinance <br /> regarding diseased animals. <br /> Dr. Vanek wanted to clarify that the only way to diagnose rabies in an animal is to kill <br /> the animal and exam the brain. So. in reference to Section 5.5-} (h), Dr. Vanek <br /> suggested the words "rabies" and "other" be removed so the section would read Diseased <br /> Dog shall mean anv do~ which has been found to be infected with any disease which <br /> may create a public safety risk. <br /> Dr. Vanel, then referred to Section 5.5-9 (a), he indicated there is no reference to what <br /> will happen after 10 days, his suggestion was to add clarification of what will happen <br /> after 10 days. <br /> Dr. Vanek referred to Section 5.5-9 (b), he indicated this should be specific to domestic <br /> animals, some animals can not be diagnosed in 10 days. such as ferrets, skunks and <br /> various other animals. Dr. Vanek felt if the animal was not a dog or cat the animal <br /> control agency should have the right to dispose of the animal immediately. <br /> Dr. Vanek referred to Section 5.5-53, he indicated vaccine expiration dates continue <br /> . to vary based on new products, he felt setting a time limit would cause undue <br />