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CCP 01-30-1995
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CCP 01-30-1995
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<br /> . <br /> .. CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> RAMSEY COUNTY <br /> . RESOLUTION NO. 95-09 <br /> . RESOL UTION ADOPTING CITY POLICY FOR ACCEPTANCE <br /> OF GIFTS BY CITY COUNCIL, CITY ADVISORY BOARDS <br /> AND COMMISSIONS, AND CITY EMPLOYEES <br /> . <br /> WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 471.895, recently passed by the Minnesota legislature and <br /> . effective August 1, 1994, prohibits most forms of gifts from persons and <br /> organizations to local officials; <br /> . WHEREAS, the new law defines interested persons as "a person or representative of a person <br /> or association that has direct financial interest in a decision that a local official is <br /> . authorized to make, "defines local official as "an elected or appointed official of a <br /> county or city or of any agency, authority, or instrumentality of a county or city," <br /> and defines gifts as "money, real or personal property, a service, a loan, or <br /> . forbearance or forgiveness of indebtedness, or a promise offuture employment, <br /> that is given and received without the giver receiving from the local official <br /> consideration of equal or grater value in return;" <br /> .- WHEREAS, the League of Minnesota Cities is recommending that cities apply this statute to <br /> all city councilmembers, city advisory board and commission members, and city <br /> . employees, since they have input into the decision-making process until further <br /> clarification is provided by the state as to the scope of the statute. <br /> . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Arden Hills City Council that the City of <br /> Arden Hills, Minnesota that the following city policy is adopted by the City of Arden Hills; <br /> . l. No city councilmember, city advisory board or commission member, or city employee <br /> shall accept gifts of any type, or other consideration, such as meals, beverages, sporting <br /> . event tickets, et a!., from any interested person, as defined by state law. <br /> 2. City councilmembers, city advisory board and commission members, and city employees <br /> . may accept awards, such as plaques, which are given in recognition of individual services <br /> in a field speciality or to a charitable cause. <br /> , City councilmembers, city advisory board and commission members, and city employees <br /> . J. <br /> may attend receptions, dinners, and/or other functions provided they have received <br /> written invitation by an organization to make a speech, answer questions, or present <br /> . information as part of a formal training program or seminar. <br /> . 4. The City Administrator is designated by the City Council to oversee this policy. <br /> . <br /> -- <br />
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