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<br /> I <br /> I. r~>.,; ~,i.? &~\ r= "!: <br /> w..:.;."'" ij'Q..,? U <br /> Plannin~ Commission Minutes Pal!e 7 2/01/95 <br /> I <br /> 2. Since the purpose of this lakeshore setback regulation is to protect the lake <br /> I environment and views from the lake and since the lakeshore is totally developed with <br /> homes that do not conform, development on the two proposed lots will conform to <br /> I the generally accepted standard of development abutting the lake. <br /> 3. The recommended setbacks on the proposed two lots are greater than on most other <br /> I lots abutting the lake. <br /> 4. The new homes with recommended setbacks will be placed on the relatively level, <br /> I upper portion of the lots. <br /> Mr. Fritsinger then indicated the approval would be subject to the following conditions: <br /> I 1. That a shared driveway and on-site turn-arounds be constructed to minimize traffic <br /> conflict on Lexington Avenue. <br /> I 2. That the applicant make the required revisions on any documents to be filed with the <br /> I- County with the intent of alerting future owners of the property that a variance has <br /> been granted. <br /> 3. That the City notify the DNR of the City action approving the amended variance <br /> I request. <br /> I Sand indicated during review of the documents received, the proposed buildings would overlap <br /> the building envelopes. Me. Fritsinger indicated the intent of the request and plans prepared by <br /> Me. Bergly was the homes would be built within the building envelopes. <br /> I Chair Erickson indicated after reviewing and overlapping the two maps he also came to the same <br /> conclusion as Commissioner Sand. <br /> I Sand questioned if the 75 foot was more appropriate. Me. Fritsinger indicated that it does appear <br /> that the building envelope may be inadequate depending on the type of home constructed and the <br /> I Commission had previously found some support for the 75 foot variance. <br /> Chair Erickson indicated during last month's meeting the concern was that on the northern lot <br /> . there would be buildable area without the variance, but that would leave no buildable area on the <br /> second lot. Chair Erickson indicated concern if a variance for 50 feet was given to one lot and <br /> . only 25 feet to the other lot, there would be problems in the future. <br /> Sand inquired if originally, did Staff support the 75 foot variance request. Mr. Fritsinger indicated <br /> .. this to be correct. <br /> . <br /> - <br />